Chapter Nineteen

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"I can't do this!" I was hyperventilating now.

"Belle, calm down," Daph spoke with a soothing voice. "You'll do fine. You can't walk out on Beau—he's waiting for you."

I gulped and focused on my reflection, not what was happening in less than ten minutes. My dark hair was up in an intricate bun and a few strands were curled and framing my face. My lips were glossed and my eyes had a bit of eyeliner to intensify them. I was wearing the dress that Daph, Cat, and I had bought. Around my neck was a gleaming pearl necklace. A shimmery white veil cascaded delicately down my back. I don't think I've looked more beautiful in my entire life.

"I'm so nervous, Daph."

"Just think of Beau. In a few hours, the two of you can go home and spend the rest of your lives with each other and the triplets."

"How many people are there, Daph?"

"Um, I invited, uh," she lowered her voice so it was barely audible to a werewolf ear, "eight hundred."

"Eight hundred! Do we even know eight hundred people?" My jaw dropped.

"Belle, calm down! You'll be fine!" Daph straightened out my dress.

"Oh my God," I breathed, putting my hand over my heart. "Eight hundred people."

"Belle," I heard my grandmother gasp from behind me. "Sweetheart, you look so beautiful!"

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she cupped my face in her hands and kissed my forehead—she was holding Lily. My grandfather was standing behind her—his eyes were watery, yet there was a large smile on his face. He was looking sharp in a gray suit. Since my parents were dead, my grandfather was filling in for my father, walking me down the aisle.

"Princess, I've always dreamed of this day." My grandfather sighed. "And now that it's finally happening, I can't believe that I have to say bye to my little princess."

"I'll always be your little princess, grandfather," I hugged him.

"Belle, careful! Your dress is going to wrinkle!" Daph yelped.

Grandfather chuckled and held out his arm for me. I took it and picked up my bouquet of snow white flowers. Daph picked up her bouquet and she and Cat walked down the aisle on Rett and Xav's arms—they were the bride's maids and groom's men. Taking a deep breath, I attempted and failed to calm my pounding heart. I'd dreamt of marrying Beau, but in my dreams I wasn't as nervous as this.

I held my grandfather's arm tightly and let him lead me down the aisle. My hands were shaking and I struggled to remain calm. White rose petals were scattered on the floor and an archway decorated with flowers awaited me. Below the archway was my dark god, looking more godly than ever.

He was wearing a black tuxedo and a black tie. His ebony hair had been trimmed—it was most likely Daph's idea—and his stubble was gone. The one thing that kept me walking, kept me conscious instead of fainting from anxiety, was him. The way his stormy eyes were watching me, shining with happiness. He was beaming, the cheeky smile I loved was spread across his face.

I barely noticed when my grandfather handed me off to Beau. All I could see was him. The priests voice wasn't audible—Beau was my entire focus.

"I do," I heard him say.

"And do you Amabelle Beatrice Murdock take Beau Chandler as your lawfully wedded husband? Do you swear to be true to him through good times and bad, through sickness and health? Do you promise to love and honor him through the rest of your days?"

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