Chapter Sixteen

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Daphne's POV

I've never loved someone who wasn't related to me by blood. In fact, for a little while, I didn't know if it were possible for me to love someone. I'd had to take care of Rett and Belle—they were my main priority. A part of me has always longed to find that one person that I could love and could love me back just as much.

Laying here in Xavier's arms seemed to be the definition of love.

I know it was foolish to draw conclusions so quickly, especially when we'd met less than an hour ago, but I knew that the warm, bubbly feeling in my chest was love. Of course I'd read about the emotion. I'd even seen it. It was obvious that Belle and Beau were in love—you could see it in their eyes. The way they'd look at each other as if that was all they saw. How they'd hold hands just to maintain contact and know that their partner was still there. I'd envied them.

Surprisingly, love was all I saw when I looked into Xav's ultramarine eyes. The fact that we were separated by an age divide of six years didn't matter to me in the slightest. Especially since he was so big and muscular—he could pull off twenty-four any day.

I wrapped my arms more tightly around his waist and buried my head in the crook of his arm, feeling his warm calloused hand brush gently up and down my spine. Things had moved quickly between us.

Our little make-out session in the kitchen had somehow landed us in the forest. Naked. I knew it was wrong to be so happy when Belle was still missing, but Xav seemed to melt all my troubles away. When Belle and Beau would comfort each other so easily, I'd found it slightly ridiculous and impossible. Nobody could make someone else so happy and bubbly simply by looking at them, smiling at them, or taking their hand. My had mother nature proved me wrong.

Rett and I were a part of Beau and Belle's pack now. Beau had initiated Rett and I was part of the pack because Xav had claimed me. This was why the both of us got the message sent through the link.

We've got a lock on Belle's location! Came an excited voice.

Everybody meet back at my house! Beau's voice was eager and held worry.

Xav groaned and pulled me closer to him, planting kisses up my shoulders. I shuddered and felt my eyes close involuntarily—he does that to me. I can't control my emotions around him and it frightens me slightly. He's so perfect that sometimes I feel as if I'm not good enough for him.

"Do we really have to go?" He murmured huskily.

"I think Beau will be pretty pissed if we don't."

"I can take him in a fight," he insisted.

"We don't want that handsome face of yours to get bloody and disfigured."

"Hey! He would be the one with the bloody face."

"Sure he would, babe."

"Are you questioning my strength?" He raised an eyebrow and leaned over me.

"No, I think you're perfect." I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his lips down to meet mine.

Xav and Daph, you have two minutes to get some clothes on and get your hormone-crazed asses over here, Beau ordered.

"Screw him," Xav muttered.


His eyes flashed and he crashed his lips down onto mine, telling me that I was his. It was obvious that his wolf was in control right now and was pissed even picturing me screwing Beau. I pulled back to fill my lungs with air as he continued trailing his lips down my chest.

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