Chapter Seven

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I stirred and took a deep breath, inhaling the spicy scent of my mate. The horrifying pain l experienced last night, extinguished by Beau's "rescue", was gone. I was left with a dull pain throughout my whole body, caused by the mating.

I sat up slightly, leaning on my elbow, and finger-combed my hair. Holding the blanket to my chest, covering my nude figure, I recalled the events of last night. I'd gotten home from the mall and taken a shower. After eating a few Skittles, I was engulfed in pain and barely made it to my bedroom before losing it. Then, Beau burst into my room, sweating and growling with a furious expression on his handsome face. He'd gotten me to give in to him, leaving me claimed. I was truly and fully his.

My legs were tangled in the sheets and with my dark God's. I would never get over how peaceful Beau looked while sleeping. His full lips weren't smirking all the time or scowling and he looked at ease. He'd woken me up several times last night, the reason as to why I was so exhausted. Well, part of the reason.

Beau's breathing caught and his eyes fluttered open, those stormy gray orbs taking in his surroundings. They were filled with remembrance as they studied my bedroom and my rumpled tank top laying on the floor. His arms tightened around me, and only then did I realize that I was sprawled across his chest.

He rolled over so I was underneath him and smirked down at me, brushing his lips across my jaw and pulling me closer. I twisted a few strands of his raven black hair around my finger, tangling my hands in his silky bedhead.

"How long were you awake?" He wondered.

"Not long," I rubbed my thumb over his stubble.

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You look adorable when you're sleeping," I grinned.

"Me? Adorable? Believe me, I'm far from adorable," he whispered huskily.

Beau nibbled on my collarbone and ran his hand down my back. His hands seemed as if they were trying to memorize every detail of my body. I grabbed a pillow and shoved it in his face, laughing when he growled.

"You are unbelievable," I held back a slight giggle.

"I could say the same about you."

Then the pillow was underneath my neck, slanting me upward, closer to the face of my mate. A smug smile was spread across his features as our lips met and I found myself smiling against his lips, just as he was smiling against mine.

I wrapped my arms loosely around his neck and made the kiss short and sweet, not heavy and intense like last night. Apparently Beau liked the kisses hot and heavy, because he growled deeply and nibbled on my bottom lip. Unfortunately for him, I was too tired to have a replay of last night.

I pulled back and snuggled up in the blankets, "Now let me go to sleep."

"As you wish," I could hear the amusement in his voice.

The muscular figure rolled off of me and came up behind me, pulling me against a set of rock hard abs. I closed my eyes and rested my head on a solid bicep. Warm fingers traced patterns on my stomach, leaving trails of fire. No wonder he was so willing to let me sleep. He planned on teasing me the entire time.

"Watch out, you might be the one getting teased soon," I murmured warningly.

His hot breath was against the back of my neck, and his fingers continued their trails of flame. I felt his eight pack and biceps tense teasingly, pure muscle making an appearance underneath his bronze skin.

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