Chapter Ten

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Beau's POV

"You're ruining the flavor!" Amabelle burst.

"But it tastes better like this," I protested, sprinkling powdered sugar over the food.

"You drowned your waffle in the syrup! That's like eating syrup soup with tiny pieces of waffle in it! It's supposed to be waffle soup with tiny bits of syrup!" She paused and frowned, rethinking what she just said, "wait—I meant it's supposed to be a super light coat of syrup over the waffle. Or something like that... You know what I mean!"

While she was ranting on and on about putting too much syrup on my waffles, I secretly took the bottle of maple syrup and drenched the golden brown patty on her plate. I would get hell for this, but it was definitely going to be worth it. After her plate looked like a plate of gooey soup, I stealthily reached over and put the bottle of syrup back on the counter where Amabelle placed it.

"But look at your waffle!" I gestured toward her syrup-soaked waffle.

Her jaw dropped and her eyes widened. I was biting the inside of my lip extremely hard just to keep from laughing—my mate looked so confused. Her mouth kept opening to say something, then closing again. She looked slightly like a fish.

"What-" she glanced between the syrup bottle, her plate, then her eyes landed on me accusingly, "you drowned my waffle!"

I raised my hands up in a surrender position, "you have absolutely no proof."

She smirked and pointed to a small sprinkle of powdered sugar on the side of the plate, then at the bottle with a bit of powdered sugar on the handle, and finally to my fingers. They were tinted white with the powdered sugar.

"Fuck," I muttered.

"You owe me a waffle," she crossed her arms over her chest and pouted, looking unbelievably cute in the process.

"Deal. Can I eat your waffle too?"

"Knock yourself out," she pushed her plate toward me.

I leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, causing her to squeal and yelp.

"Your lips are all sticky!" She squirmed.

"Can you help me clean them?" I gave her a cheeky smile that I knew she loved and couldn't resist, and leaned over to wrap my arms around her waist.

Amabelle just jutted her bottom lip out in an adorable pout and scowled at her waffles, doing all that she could not to look at my face. I pulled her onto my lap and fingered the hem of my large shirt she was wearing, brushing my thumbs across her thigh. I loved the feel of Amabelle's skin—it was soft, smooth, and warm.

"Please, baby?" I twisted her around so she was straddling me.

Her chocolate brown eyes flickered down to my lips and she groaned slightly, knowing that she'd lost. The edges of my lips quirked up and I held her against me by her hips. Amabelle leaned forward and cupped my face in her gentle hands, putting her lips a breath away from mine. My wolf purred and growled when I felt her warm tongue glide over my lips, sweeping over the sweet syrup.

When I couldn't help it anymore, I pulled her more tightly against me and pressed my lips to hers. I felt my mate smile knowingly against my mouth, but she kissed me back. I twined my tongue with hers and glided over her tongue, tasting the sweetness.

Amabelle's lips were like heaven—they were full, moist, and supple. I found myself always hungry for more of her kisses. My mate tasted like all good things in existence, combined; as if she were made specially for me. Don't even get me started on her scent. It was intoxicating, always making me want more and always tempting me, teasing and drawing me in.

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