Chapter Fifteen

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I woke up with a start, gasping for air. Once my lungs were full, I looked around and whimpered at my surroundings. I was laying on a cold, hard floor. One that was slightly damp, only chilling me further. Luckily, my sweater and jeans kept the pup and I warm, but my icy body temperature cancelled out any difference it made. I cupped my shivering hands in front of my mouth and blew out warm air, attempting to circulate some warmth—I didn't want the pup to get sick.

There was a small pile of hay in the corner, but droplets of water were scattered over it. Thick, silver bars made up the wall in front of me, and impenetrable stone made up the other three walls of my cell. There was a small wooden plate near where the bars and wall connected, and it had a stale piece of bread. My stomach was begging me to eat it, but I promised myself that I wouldn't eat anything they gave me.

They. He. I stifled the tears of terror as I remembered that night. He'd murdered my parents just the way he'd murder me once he was through. I remembered what I'd swore to Beau—I would kill myself before mating with another male. I fully intended to keep my promise, and knew that I would.

Beau. I missed him so much already. I longed to have his warm arms wrapped around me right now, comforting me and saying that everything was alright. That the baby and I would be safe and rescue was on the way at this very moment. To have his low voice murmur soothing words in my ears and calm my rapid heartbeat. I wanted so badly to feel his lips against mine before the Spruce alpha did anything.

Beau? I desperately attempted to contact him with our bond. Beau, please? Are you there? I'm scared...

A choked sob left me when I didn't get a response.

Xav? Anyone? I tried the pack link.


I leaned against the cold wall and pulled my knees up to my chest, wrapping my arms around them. I could at least try to keep the baby warm. This was like a small piece of Beau, and anything of Beau was good enough for me.

Beau's POV

"Where are Jared and Belle?" I wondered, looking around my living room at my somber pack.

"Dude, you might want to sit down," Xavier suggested.

I narrowed my eyes at my best friend. "Why?"

He gave a small nod of his head and the strongest eight pack wolves came with silver chains. My eyes widened and I glowered at Xavier.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Watch it," he had dark circles under his eyes, "I'm doing this because you won't be able to control your wolf or your alpha side when you hear what I'm about to tell you."

"I don't fucking need to be bound with silver chains, Xav!"

"Yeah," he sighed, "you do."

I was pushed into a chair and silver chains were bound around me. My pack put thin layers of cloth between my skin and the silver so it wouldn't burn me, but if I struggled, the chains would break through the cloth and singe my skin.

Once they were satisfied that I was bound tight enough, I turned to my beta. "Where the fuck is my mate, Xavier?"

As I looked around the room, some eyes were filled with fury. Others were drowning in tears and sadness. All displayed pity.

"Beau," Xavier looked up at me with pained eyes, "the Spruce alpha took her."

"What did you say?" I asked through clenched teeth.

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