Five: The New Comer

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Walking into my English class I sat down and waited anxiously to see if I shared this class with Sydney.

I would've noticed before though if she was.

To pass the time, I gazed out the window beside me and distracted myself with the questions flying through my head.

What will I tell Sydney when the bond between us strengthens? 'Hey, I'm a werewolf. You're my mate even though you're human. I don't know how it happened but it did. So, do you mind going on a date with me?' Actually, if she's human is it even possible for the bond to strengthen between us? Or for her?

Now you are accepting her? My wolf inquired.

No, I was just thinking-

Our conversation was interpreted as the tinge of orange and ginger wafted into the room. Walking into the room quietly, Sydney had an older film camera slung over her shoulder, and a laptop cradled to her chest. She looked nervously around the room, noted the teacher's absence so far, then looked out into the field of students littered throughout the classroom, either seated waiting for the first bell to ring, or congregating talking in small groups.

Mate. My wolf cooed.

I waited for her eyes to find me, but they never did. Hands-on her shoulder's pulled her attention away by none other than Mat.

"Syd, what are you doing here? I thought you had English this period?"

She was startled by his voice and hands, but her lips quickly turned into a warm smile as she welcomed the friendly face.

This had the hackles of my wolf rising and my teeth grinding.

"Yeah, Mrs. Hays suggested I pop into a different senior class to get my project started. She wants it all together for submission by midterms, so I thought since you were in this class I'd stop in."

I watched Mat nod at this seeming to know whatever project it is that Sydney was talking about.

"Cool, but is it true what Meg said? Did you guys really do that last night!?" Mat asked.

"Shh!" Sydney hushed him from broadcasting their involvement in last night's prank on my team. "But why? You surprised?" Sydney inquired mockingly.

He shook his head in disapproval. "Damn girls. I knew not to get on Meg's bad side but now I better watch out for you and Em, stay clear of your bad side." Mat said chucking.

"Don't worry Matty! You're never on my bad side," Sydney fooled, childishly bumping into him.

Mat hip bumped her back.

Touch her again and see what happens! My wolf threatened.

My hands ached as my nails threatened to lengthen into a deadly claw.

Wait. I commanded watching the duo like the true predator I was to see what would happen next-if anything.

"Well, Meg has her reasons with the whole set getting destroyed...Actually, wait, never mind, I take back what I said Mat, you piss me off when you eat my damn tater tots! There mine damn it!" Sydney yelled.

Mat smiled sheepishly back at her before jabbing back, "Well it's payback from you stealing my peanut M&Ms!"

An incoming pair of girls who had apparently heard Sydney and Mat's bickering walked past them towards their seats, "You two would be an awesome couple."

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