Forty-Six: New Comrades

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I woke to the light tapping of rain dribbling down against the window. A grey hue made the world look colorless outside.

Taking in a deep breath my nostrils filled with the smell of Sydney's sweet soft skin. Her arm was dangled over my stomach and her head was buried in my shoulder, my arm was wrapped around her holding her body close to me. Her golden locks flowed over the pillow providing me with an unhindered view of the mark I placed on her.

I closed my eyes remembering last night.

The way she felt wrapped around me and how Sydney sounded when we pressed against each other. It was absolutely amazing. I loved the way she moaned and cried my name. It was like a symphony to my ears. Amazing.

I renewed the thoughts of the way when we reached our limits and marked each other. It shocked me when I felt Sydney's canines press into my skin marking me as well. It made my heart skyrocket when she did.

It wasn't till about three in the morning before we both fell into each other's arms and went to sleep whispering 'I love you's'.

"Hey," A hoarse voice said.

Looking down I saw Sydney's beautiful olive green eyes were opened and looking up into mine.

"Good morning, Beautiful," I whispered brushing hair from her face.

She smiled at me, her eyelids still so heavy from needing more sleep. The grin on my lips just wouldn't go away. Sydney just looked so stunning.

Lifting her chin lightly I pressed a kiss to her soft lips. Passion was raw in our kiss.

Sydney pulled away and my eyes remained closed savoring that moment.

"Babe, why are you crying?" She asked sadness ringing in her voice.

Opening my eyes I brushed a tear away from my cheek.

"I guess so," I whispered.

She cupped my cheek and brushed away the other tear. "Why are you crying, Jay?"

I smiled, "I m just so happy that you're mine...I never thought that I would be so happy with someone so amazing as you. I-I never thought I would get so lucky to have someone to love like you and I'm so grateful that you can even stand my presence...much less love me."

Sydney pulled my lips down to hers. "Hush you big baby. Can't be getting all emotional on me, or else I'll start crying."

I let out a soft laugh and sniffled away the tears. "Alrighty, alrighty, let me bring back the manly-man of Jaycen Freakin' Ward."

"Idiot," Sydney laughed rolling away to lay on her back. I smiled loving her cheerful laughter. "But please, never do that again."

"I love you so much Star."

Sydney rolled back into my chest comfortably on me. I hooked my arm around her waist pulling her impossibly close to me.

"I love you Jaycen, more then you could ever imagine." Sydney's pressed her lips softly to my bare chest.

My fingers brushed through her thick golden locks completely content.

Sydney's finger brushed over my chest pressing her lips occasionally to my collarbone and neck. Her kisses came close to my mark-making my little buddy very present.

At first, I thought she was subconsciously kissing close to the mark, but then when her tongue flickered across my sensitive skin I knew she was teasing me. "Babe," I said roughly.

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