Thirty-Eight: Staged and Free

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I was pissed. Okay beyond pissed.

I mean what the hell?! What's with the whole freaking male population laying the moves on me or flirting with me? First Brandon now Elliot! Didn't everyone get the memo that all-mighty soon to be alpha Jay got a mate? A mate who happens to be the supposed only white wolf around who was bitten into werewolf hood? Well, apparently some didn't.

I was staring at him waiting for an answer on why the hell he kissed me. I wasn't so much as angry he kissed me-don't get me wrong I didn't want him to but that's not the worst part. The worst part was that my wolf was scratching to get out and rip his throat out for touching me.

Factoring in the fact of being deprived of Jay's comforting touch for so long, it still felt like my wolf was going a little overboard. I mean throat-ripping was pushing it for me.

And just think, I thought to myself. Two weeks ago I might have killed for a single guy to kiss me. Now I got three!

"Sydney I'm sor-"

"I'm so freaking tired of people saying I'm sorry when I have no clue what they are sorry for! Why did you kiss me, Elliot! Just give me a straight answer please!" I cried helplessly.

"S-Sydney I'm sorry," his voice cracked as he looked anywhere but me. "You just remind me so much of her..."

"Elliot tell me what you're talking about." I pleaded in a softer voice. "I can't help if you won't tell me."

"Sit down. There's a lot to tell you." Elliot said softly gesturing to the bed for me to sit.

Sitting down I looked attentively up at him before he too sat down across from me at the desk. "My mate her name was Ceciley. She was gorgeous. Golden hair like yours, a smile much similar yours, but the one different thing was the eyes. Hers were these beautiful brown melting pot of chocolate and honey. She was perfect in every which way. Strong-minded like you, kind, genuine, and musically talented." Elliot chuckled softly obviously remembering a time they shared. "Ceciley and I met when we were thirteen-"

"Wait I thought you could only find your mate when you turn eighteen-"

"I was getting there Sweetheart." He smiled softly at me.

"Sorry," I told him sheepishly.

"So Ceciley and I found each other because I am a white wolf. Like you and Logan."

"Wait so I could have found J-Sorry. You were just going to explain that to me to weren't you?" I asked seeing the look on his face.

He nodded. "You weren't able to pick up on Jay because you weren't a wolf then."

"Ohh," I breathed.

"Anyways, Ceciley and I knew we were mates because I am a white wolf...That is also how Logan knew Lilly, but Lilly didn't want a mate. You know of her shifting problems, but one thing you don't know is that when she did shift it was extremely painful for her. She took much longer to shift making the pain very noticeable because most of us shift so quickly we don't feel it. Because of that, she wasn't too fond of the werewolf hood. Therefore she wanted to live as humanly as possible as she could. Logan wasn't willing to back down, so he devised a plan. Logan commanded the wolf from Ceciley and Lilly's pack to kill Jay's packmate knowing it would trigger a war."

"Wait, did you just say Logan was the reason for the war?" I asked, positive that I didn't hear right.

Elliot nodded at me, "Yes. Logan started the war."

"But why?" I asked consumed with confusion.

"Because he wanted to show Lilly that he could protect her and he was the one for her. That she should except him..."

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