Six: Leaning Forward

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My nerves were running high as the girl I was supposed to be interviewing was talking yet none of the words were making sense in my head.

Once again here was Jaycen Freakin' Ward. Really, teacher ma'am, you had to sit me next to him? Okay, maybe not really but we're near each other? Guess who's not making it on my 'favorite teacher list' this year? You!

I looked up to my front desk partner to find him and Mat having a royal piss off competition with their eyes.

Mat seemed to let it go and Jaycen followed in suit.

Rolling my eyes I tried tuning back into my seat partner. She truly was fascinating like Ms. Granger suggested. The girl, Iris, was already interning at the Red Mountain City newspaper. Iris while informative said something about hoping what she told me was enough because she had a deadline to catch up to.

This snapped me out of my fog. "Yes of course! Sorry, I didn't mean to hinder your work. I just think people are so interesting, and my English teacher liked this project I pitched to her."

Iris smiled brightly at me, "Of course! Mean I know we get senior quotes in the yearbook and that the journalism class gets interviews with popular people and athletes, so hopefully, they will incorporate your project in too! Granted I might be a little biased," she ended with a light laugh and flash of a smile. "Which I guess brings me to ask why you aren't in the journalism class yourself?"

My stomach felt heavy but I tried to play it off, "Oh, I was last year, but then..."

Iris looked at her curiously, then it seemed like something clicked, "Oh my god, that's why you look so familiar! I'm so sorry about your dad. I remember the story in our paper." It was as if the words came out faster than the girl intended and she grimaced realizing who uncouth it might have sounded. Stumbling she profusely apologized.

While my cheeks burned I wave her off, "No, it's okay. I just couldn't find myself to stay in the class. My dad was actually a criminal investigative journalist, and it felt too close to home for me."

Iris nodded, "Of course."

"Anyways," I tried cheering up my attitude, "I have most of what you said written down, but I might need to reach back out to clarify or double-check some facts, so here is my number."

The girl nodded and we exchanged numbers, her wanting to read my short bio on her before submission. Then Iris plugged her earbuds in and went about her work.

I went to open my laptop, but after the rattling conversation of my passed father, threw open the screen sending my notebook tumbling to the floor in front of my seat. And right beside Jaycen Freckin' Ward.

Before I could decide between rounding the desk to collect my notes or the painfully awkward drag-it-back-with-my-foot-so-I-don't-have-to-interact-with-Jaycen-move, he had already turned and folded my notebook up to hand me back.

"Oh Star? I didn't know you were in my class!" Jaycen said with feigned innocence.

I snorted, "Yes, I'm sure you didn't notice me standing at the front of class earlier, and that you don't know how I'm not really in your class."

Again, he painted his face with innocence that I wasn't buying.

"So, how about I make this easy on both of us? I will only talk to you when and if we have anything school related to work on together. You can just go on with your sex-filled extravaganzas mindlessly, continue on with your red-blooded male self on the lacrosse field, and I'll mind my own business too. 'Cause I don't know what's drawn your attention to me, but I want you to know you don't need to lay your 'moves' on me, because I will not be another girl toy of yours. I will not hop right in bed with you, only for you to embarrass me the next day and add another tally to your scorecard of how many virginities you took. Okay?"

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