Twenty-Three: Somewhere Out There in a Meadow

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I limped off into the forest; my wolf's heart slightly cracked with the pain Jay caused her. I too was hurt, but I was also extremely confused.

Why did Jay protect her? I'm his mate, which means I should be first in his life right?

I mean, why did I even care if I mattered to the player Jay? I've spent all of a half a day with him, with his introducing me into a world I never knew of until I was attacked because of Jay. I mean if anything I should be happy he doesn't want me. Why would I want to be with someone who not only abandons me but turns my world upside down too? And not in a good way.

Once a good distance away from the ice cream shop I shifted and leaned against a tree for support.

When I was knocked to the ground I landed on my back left paw wrong. Now my left ankle was swollen and bruised making it challenging to walk on. It was more likely sprang than anything else.

It'll heal in a moment. My wolf informed me.

We fell into silence after that.

Sydney? My wolf called.


Are you mad at me? She asked.

This startled me, No! Why would I be mad at you?

Because I made Jay not want us. I embarrassed him and made a fool of us back there. He is still our alpha and we had no right to stake claim on him even if he is our mate.

No, you didn't make him do anything. And it's not our fault he wants that other...girl.

My wolf seemed to only half accept my words but remained subdued.

It was true in a way though, what I had told her. Jasmine was just like everyone else. She too wants to be with someone, but I couldn't help being jealous and angry at her because she was pinning after Jay. I couldn't be calling her a slut because she wanted him. It's not her fault for that, not really anyways. Who was I to judge for someone having feelings for another?

Let's go for a run. I suggested my ankle now looking oddly much better.

I shifted back into my wolf form like it was natural. The light early afternoon breeze ruffled through my white fur.

Hearing the snapping of a twig in the direction on the ice cream shop I took off in the opposite direction.


The afternoon had turned perfect. My wolf and I were content with one and other taking turns holding control over our body.

Now laying in a meadow, I stared up into the starry night sky, relaxed. My snow-white fur rustled in the chilly night breeze.

I was comfortable. Perfectly appeased.

Let's shift back. I want to feel the grass on my skin. I told my wolf.

She willingly gave over the 'reins' and I easily shifted into my human form. Shifting was even easier now that I had a little practice at doing it.

After shredding my clothes in the shift to attack Jasmine, I was left with nothing. So, naked, I folded my hands over my breast and continued to gaze up at the shimmering stars.

I wish I had a camera to take a picture of this. It's breathtaking.

Our mind is a camera, My wolf answered softly to my wish.

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