Twenty-Four: The Morning After

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Sunlight seeped through the windows and leaked into my eyelids making them glow pink. Slowly my eyes fluttered open and I took a deep relaxing breath.

"You're awake."

I turned my head and found Jay sitting in the corner of the room staring at me like a hawk.

"Hi," I whispered, not too sure what else to say.

"Where the hell were you!?" Jay yelled standing in front of me in a flash.

This is not the way a girl wants to be greeted right when they wake up.

"I went on a run. I got to know my wolf. And as far as I know, I did nothing that concerns you." I fired at him knowing that I still had a right to be mad.

"You will not talk to me that way!" He yelled, his whole figure tense and his eyes started glowing.

I sat up and met Jay with an emotionless face. "I will talk to you, however, I deem fit. You don't control me."

"The hell I do. You are my mate and over that, I am your alpha. You will do as I say." He growled huffing now.

Sydney, let him calm down. His wolf is trying to come out, and it's not his wolf's kind side. My wolf warned.

I don't care. He has no right to talk down to me.

"No, I won't! It's not fair that you get to control my life all of a sudden. I was just changed into a werewolf two days ago and not by choice! It's because of you and your hooligan friends!"

"That has nothing to do with you running away from me and talking back to me!" He yelled.

Rage filtered through my body and my attention was drawn to my fists that were balled.

Before I recognized what happened, I had slapped him.

His face jerked to the side with a red print on his cheek. After blinking a few times and a hard swallow he looked at me once more.

I gasped as a tear slipped from my eye.

Did I just do that? I asked myself.

"Oh my god, I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. Are you okay?"

Jay just stared at me.

"Jay? Jaycen?" I asked concern burning in my voice. "Jaycen, say something. Are you alright?" I reached out to grab him, but he pulled away.

He swallowed hard and finally spoke. "I'm sorry."



After I found Sydney in my bed I ran to her and checked over ever in of her body in search of any injuries. When I reached her side, I saw she was wearing one of my oversized shirts and beside her was a wrinkled note like the one we got yesterday morning. I took the note and put it on the side table then I continued to the inspection of her body.

I saw no obvious signs of injury so I tucked her in and went downstairs with the note in hand. A few of my packmates loitered downstairs, surely per my father's order to detain and restrain me.

Two of my father's higher-ranked aids, one of which was Terrence's father, watched kept an eye on me as I went to Mat, Terrence, and Terrence's brother, Ash.

"She's back!" I yelled with excitement ringing in my voice.

"What?" My father's aid asked taken aback by this information.

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