Thirty-Three: Unexpected Help

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I was standing in the middle of a dense forest. Looking around I looked from something to tell me what forest I was in, or just something helpful to indicate where I may be.

Looking up at the dark sky, it held heavy gray and black clouds in them. The trees stood like skyscrapers but danced with the breeze.

I realized where I was. I was back in the forest the night I was bitten.

I turned to run somewhere just anywhere but here, but instead, I ran into a solid figure.

My body locked in fear and I prepared to scream. A huge hand cupped my mouth shutting me up.

"Hush Star, I just want to talk." The stranger's voice was smooth and very familiar. It sent shivers down my spine.

"If I let go will you keep your mouth shut?"

Slowly nodding I truthfully wasn't sure if I could truly keep that promise.

"Alright..." He removed his hand.

I looked up and found his bright sea-foam eyes staring down at me. Jaycen?

Massive canines hung out over his bottom lip.

What's going on here?

"Oh, I see what has you startled. Do you like them, Star? It comes with the territory of being a werewolf."

I felt my lip and chin begin to quiver under his hand.

"Goodness, I didn't have you pegged for a crier. Would've thought Logan's mate would have thicker skin."

Logan? Why is this memory backward?

"Hel-" I was cut off by the startling quickness of his actions.

He yanked me so my back was flat against his chest, his arm wrapped around me.

His lips brushed my left ear, "Now now that's more like it Sydney now-"

I wasn't listening, I fought against him, my body was on autopilot following the memory of that night.

"Damn it, stop fucking squirming around, or else I'm going to fucking hurt you!"

He released me like Elliot did that night and we fought, but I still couldn't getaway.

"And here you thought you were gonna get away. That wasn't a smart idea Star. I do admit though, that was cruel of me to give you false hope. So, how do you know Logan?" He asked.


"Logan, popular kid who's about ya' high, girls always clinging to him?" Jaycen hinted scornfully like Elliot had done the night of my attack.

"I-I don't know-know him. Like I'm not friends with him."

"You seriously think I'm that stupid?" He growled.

"I don't even know your name!"

But I do!

"The name's Jaycen, Star."

"Well, I still don't even know who you are!"

But I do know who you are!

"Star, cut to the chase. I know you're Logan's mate."

"His what?" I asked my voice high pitched.

"Don't act like you don't know. You're his mate. His other part. The only thing I don't get is that you're human."

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