Fourteen: Poisonous Vines

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After I cleared out my house of all people that weren't my family or Terrence's, I turned my attention towards Sydney.

Damn, we got lucky. My wolf said mind drooling.

"Ask away now Sydney," I invited her.

Her originally glazed over eyes focused on me, so I assume she was previously talking to her wolf. "Ah, where to start? Who's this Elliot guy?"

A loud growl ripped through me at the sound of his name.

Elliot was one of many things. An enemy, the Devil, number one on my 'to kill' list and so many other things.

I especially did not want his name to come from Sydney's beautiful peach lips. He did more than harmed her, and I was determined to kill him now more than ever.

Not realizing I hadn't answered another male voice did, "He's an old enemy."

Her green eyes traced the voice and landed on Mathew who was perched, leaning against a wall watching her.

Stupid omega better keep his grimy hands to himself if he wants to keep them attached to his arms.

When Sydney laid eyes on him she pounced at him arms opened wide. "Mat!"

She locked him in a bear hug and Mathew returned the favor, tightly hugging her back.

Why is she in the omega's arms!? My wolf growled.

"Mat what's going on why are you here?" She cried.

We are her mate. She should be in our arms! Not his! Jaycen let me go. Let me show him that Sydney is rightfully ours!

Before I lost control I hushed outside, the door clapping shut behind me.

I hoped the rush of the cool night air would dampen my raging emotions, but it didn't do the trick. Instead, I ran for the woods, not even removing my clothes before shifting, ripping them to shreds.

My massive black paws crashed against the ground as I took off running towards my spot on a nearby cliff. I lunged and leaped over rocks and branches. The twigs snapped underneath me as I slowed to prance, trying to calm myself as I covered the last stretch of ground between me and my destination.

I tried restraining my motions to be gingerly. To be Silent.

It was a complete contrast to the whirlwind of emotions hurtling inside my head and chest.

When I finally made it to the cliff I refrained from my usual starstruck gasp of the beauty before me. This time like all the others still always took my breath away. The dark blue and inky sky hung over the massive expanse of the forest that continued on below and seemed to go on forever and ever. The stars twinkled and glimmered in the night sky along with the beautiful moon.

I went over to the log I had dragged one time near the cliff edge so I could sit because I came here so often. My wolf handed over the reins and the shift back was swift. Inside the log, I retrieved my back up bag of clothes stuffed in the hallow end for situations like this.

After throwing on my basketball shorts and my shirt I went and stared off into the distance at the edge of the cliff.

Is something wrong with us? My wolf asked sounding like he was about to sob.

What?! No there's nothing wrong with us. I attempted to reassure him.

I know we've only known her for a little while, but what if she can already tell that there's something she doesn't like about us. Mean, we didn't protect her from Elliot. Maybe we aren't worthy. Maybe she should reject us? But...I don't know if I can go on without she. Not. now that we've seen and met her.

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