Food for thought

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Creepy bastard.

Quickly turning around I walk towards the front door fuck the basket.

"Payne wai-"

"Leave me alone Declan " I was practically running towards the door at this point, clutching Lucas tightly against me.

A hand suddenly latched itself onto my shoulder making me jerk back, slowly turning my head I see a familiar tanned hand attached firmly into my shoulder looking up at its owner I stare it him with wide eyes.


"What the hell Declan how you did you get here so fast ?" Anger seeping through my veins I move my shoulder harshly out of his hold.

"You know what don't answer leave me alone you freak" With that I marched towards the front door and put my hand on the door knob.

I turn around and see Declan giving me a watch-your-back- bitch look.

I scoff and stick up my middle finger on his direction.

"Fuck off mate"


The entire time during dinner Declan did not take his creepy eyes off me, when I say he watched me do everything I mean everything.

I even picked my nose secrets just so he could see and none else and flick it in his direction. Not once did he react or blink.


Feeling pissed at his constant staring i get up from seat and plaster a fake smile on face.

"I'm going to the kitchen to get to get more er pudding"  not waiting for their reply I picked up my plate and walked into the kitchen.

Putting my plate in the sink I pick up the sponge and begin to wash the sticky chocolate off my plate.

I just wanna go home.

Shaking my head softly I put the tap on and start to rinse my plate.


I jumped at the voice and turned around, who the hel-? I narrowed my eyes at Declan as he stood behind me with a plate in his hand.

I can't deal with this bullshit today, in fact I can't be bothered to deal with Liam's bull shit.

Before I could open my mouth to tell to go stuff it he leaned his head towards mine making my eyes go wide and flinch back from him.

A nasty grin took over Declan's face as he saw my reaction and licked his dry ass lips.

"You better watch your back Payne who knows what you'll bump into at night" He whispered near my face making my back ram into metal bowl, wincing at the pain i put my hand on his chest and shoved him off me.

Stumbling back a little Declan smiled at me making my stomach turn " Playing hard to get Payne ?"

What the actual fuck ?

"Piss off Declan, I'm sure Leo would love to hear about this?" I said smugly picking up the tea towel on the side I wipe my hands and smirk in his direction.

The smile wiped off his face instantly fear written all over his face, his eyes suddenly dart behind me and go wide before running out of the kitchen.

Slowly turning around I grab a glass from drying rack a smirk still painted on my face, I turn the tap on and watched the glass slowly get full.

That's right bitch be scared.

Looking up at the Window my smile drops off my face, my whole body froze as I stated into a familiar and a very angry pair of eyes.

Leo was standing outside the bloody window.


Sorry I know it's a short chapter but I'll try to do it longer next time;-(

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