2-The Beginning of the End

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Cassandra's POV - Blast from the past

Lopez Financing Corporation is one of the biggest and trusted companies in Spain.

This is the legacy that I will inherit in the future, or so I thought.

After graduating from Harvard majoring in a double degree in Finance and Economics at 19 years old, yes, I was young when I studied and was accelerated in school, I joined our company. It was not an option. Being an only child, the "heiress", I had to think of the future of our family's company and those under our employment.

Being Maria Cassandra Villanueva Lopez is not an easy job.

I had to study until my eyes bleed. I had to learn and excel in everything.

I have dreams but I chose to live their dreams for me.

The pressure I felt growing up is nothing like the pressure I am feeling right now.

We are now facing bankruptcy! How and why? I'm not sure. But it is inevitable.

We are going to lose everything and I have to deal with this before it gets worse.

"Cassandra!" from the intercom, I heard my father, the CEO called me into his office.

"Im coming Papa." I responded in the intercom link.

"Meet us for Dinner tonight, we have something important to announce."

"Papa, I still have a lot of paperworks to finish before the meeting with the Board of Directors next week. Can't it wait until Sunday?"

"No! You have been slaving yourself for weeks now. But still you have no lead. We still have not found the culprit who did this to us. Embezzling money is a crime! We have to make them pay but it cannot help us bring our company back to its former glory!"

"Relax Papa. No need to be overworked. I am doing this for us remember?"

"I know, prove it tonight by meeting us for dinner. I will send you the location and time."

"Can't we just have dinner here at the office?"

"No. Va a seguir mis instrucciones y no hay más discusión. Tu puedes ir." No. You are going to follow my instructions and there's no more discussion. You can go."

I left the room feeling heavy and useless.

I worked with this company for almost two years and I have not once doubted anyone. But it's different now. I want to find out the person behind this mess but I have this strange feeling that I may be out of time.


I do not usually dress up for dinner since I do not have time for any fancy setups. But a strict instruction from my father to dress like its a ball made me wince in pain.

I hate dressing up. I am a jeans and shirt kind of girl. I may be of a rich stature but I never dressed fancy like those socialites I know. I not only think that it is unnecessary to dress up but also a waste of time. Nobody notices me anyways.

My assistant Keri ordered the silver gown with flower embroidery and deep v neck. It fitted me nicely and showed my curves. It was very classy and elegant and suited my black waves and honey brown eyes. My petite figure is nothing compared to the runway models or celebrities, but I felt pretty when I saw myself in the mirror. Thanks to the stylist that Keri forced me to go to. My make up was natural and enhanced the features of my face and my hair looked divine. I looked like the star I have been dreaming to be.

Well, that is just my long buried ultimate desire, to be an actress and singer. But of course, that is just silly me thinking about crazy things.

"You are sunlight, and high moon, joined by the God's of fortune... " As much as I would love to finish Lea Salonga's Ms. Saigon song, I picked up my cellphone as my mother's picture was flashing on the screen. Oh boy, here goes.


"Hija, the driver is waiting outside your building. Please do not keep us waiting. We have been here for 5 minutes."

"I am coming Mama. My condo is just 5 minutes away from there, I could have walked."

"Nonsense! I hope you are wearing something appropriate."

"Yes, I am. See you soon Mother." I ended the call feeling frustrated. They really do not trust my judgment. Frankly, when it comes to dressing up, I don't trust myself as well.

The drive to the Italian restaurant was quick. I don't know why but I feel like something was going to happen. I have this strange gut feel about tonight. I just hope Im wrong.

As I entered the hall, I felt all eyes were on me. Suddenly feeling self conscious, I walked forward and as I adjusted myself with the feeling of being the centre of attention, I noticed it. There was a large screen playing some of my pictures and another person's. But the caption was what made me freeze on the spot.

It was like I was brought into a nightmare that I cannot wake up from.

"Miguel & Cassandra's Engagement Party"

I could almost taste the tears that was threatening to fall. I saw my parents approach me with a warning glare. They saw my expression and they know I am not liking their surprise, or should I say ambush?

"Mama! Papa! what is the meaning of this?! This is absurd! How can you do this to me?!"

My mother approached me cautiously.

"Cassie honey, I apologise if we may have surprised you."

"Surprised is an understatement! You're killing me here."

"Cassandra, just sit down on our table and let us discuss this like adults. The guests are looking at us. Do not embarrass us here."

I cannot contain the hurt and betrayal I am feeling. Hearing from them that I am embarrassing them yet again fuelled more hurt. I decided to run to the washroom and cried my heart out.

Thankfully, nobody followed me. Or so I thought.

As I make my way out of the washroom, I saw my father waiting for me.

With my bloodshot eyes, and ruined make up, he hugged me.

"Honey, we are sorry but Miguel's family can help us with our business. With this family merger, they promised to fund our company's debts and will bring back our family's wealth.  We did not consult you as we thought you will do this for us, for our company and for our people. We knew we can always count on you."

"I get it Papa. But as much as I would like to help our company, I also have to live for my happiness. For years, I have been slaving to be a perfect daughter for you and I gave up my dreams to work in your perfect company. But not to this. I will not sign up for a loveless marriage and especially not to that arrogant person!"

"Cassandra, we need to do this. Otherwise, we will lose everything that we have worked hard for. I cannot go back to being poor. Especially now that we are old. I want to retain the luxurious life we were always used to."

"Im sorry Papa if you think I am being selfish. I just want to be happy. I have been giving my everything to this company, to you and mother. But Im sorry, I just cannot do this."

I looked at my father and saw the change in his expression from pleading to anger. I knew this would happen. This is the only time I tried to assert my feelings and rights to him.

"You have no say on this! Either you do this or I will disown you as my daughter!"

He barked at me before storming out back to the hall.

Those last words, simple words made my heart break. I felt like my world is breaking up into pieces. Pieces that I know I cannot mend. Even how hard I tried to.

The feelings of abandonment resurfaced. All my insecurities while growing up came to me like an avalanche.

I can now confirm that I will never be enough for them. I am only born for one purpose.

To serve them and their beloved company.

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