6-Her Promise

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Cassie woke up feeling refreshed. She has been without sleep for two days thinking on how to resolve her problems. She ran away from home on the day of her wedding. How she did it was beyond her imagination. She always abide by the rules. She obeyed her parents and prided herself for being righteous in every way. Recollection of what happened brought goosebumps all over her body.

After her argument with her mother, she called her best friend Sammy to tell her about her plan. She will run away. She asked her if she can help her get out of the country without being traced. Her family and Miguel's family are very influential. They have connections everywhere and finding her will just be easy peasy when they find out that she was missing.

It was fateful that Sammy's new boyfriend will go back to the USA the next morning. His flight via his private jet was at 5 am. All Cassie had to do was get out of their estate and into the private hangar where the jet will be departing from.

That was the best solution since she cannot book a regular flight or even go to the airport without being discovered. Her face has been plastered in all the magazines and society pages of the Spanish newspapers because of the wedding and the merger.

Cassie need to go to the hangar without being caught. Sammy instructed her to get out of their estate before dawn and a car will be waiting for her.

Security for her was very tight and she had a 24 hour guard outside her room. Her parents feared that she will do something drastic so they ensured that she will never be alone even inside the house.

It was a good thing she had this personal fridge inside her room and that the guard in charge of her that night was kind to her which was very rare for her security team. She offered the guard a nightcap with her to celebrate her wedding the next evening. Unsuspectingly, he agreed. When the guard seemed to relax, she then gave him something to drink laced with grounded sleeping pills. She was prescribed with sleeping pills previously because of the stress from work and it was another blessing that she still have a spare bottle.

She thought it was easy. But it was nerve wracking. She put just the right amount of sleeping pills on the drinks for health reasons but it also took a while for the guard to get dizzy and fall asleep. When he did, Cassie did not lose any second.

Going out of the house was arduous. There were no surveillance cameras inside the house since her parents valued their privacy. But outside the house, that was a different scenario.

She decided to wore all black and some comfortable shoes in case she needed to run. At 2 am, she executed phase two of her plan. She went outside and wore the jacket and cap of the sleeping guard. She wore several sweatshirts inside the leather jacket just to have a bulky frame. The jacket, baggy pants and tied up hair inside the cap, with the proper lighting, could pass as the guard himself.

The house was dark and the yard outside was deserted but she knows that the cameras were moving and she need to act normally. With her plan, she realized she cannot bring anything with her except one small backpack under the jacket filled with her passport and identifications, her diary, cash which comprised of loose bills and some jewelries were all she took with her. As she was planning her escape she scolded herself for not withdrawing money for her to be prepared. She knew that her accounts and credit cards will be monitored and will be used to trace her once she ran away.

Without interruptions, she was able to go out of the house and into the front gate. She chose the darkest part of the grounds to walk on. She was looking for the perfect timing to go outside the gate. At some point, the two guards at the gate left their post, probably to get something to eat or drink. She was relieved that the guards that night were both lazy and unsuspecting which was not usually the case.

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