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The doctor arrived and she checked Cassie inside their room. Lance was worried but the doctor assured him after some tests, they would know the reason for her faint spell.

While the doctor was checking Cassie, Lance called Marco to tell him about Miguel Fernandez and his threat to their relationship.

Miguel Fernandez, Marco Garcia and Lance Montgomery had been friends since Primary grade. They studied in an exclusive school for boys Europa International School in Barcelona Spain. The reason behind Lance's fluency in the Spanish language. They were inseparable, Miguel was the leader of their group and Lance and Marco were his wing men. They were best of friends until their first year in high school.

They met Sophia Treveau, a french girl in one of the parties they attended. Miguel fell head over heels in love with her on their first meeting. He courted her with the help of his friends. At first, Sophia was not interested in Miguel but after several dates, she finally gave in an reciprocated Miguel's feelings. That was what they thought.

The four of them always spent time every weekend. They usually have Pool Night where they will all play pool at Miguel's house.

There was one time when Lance got sick during one of their pool sessions. Miguel and Marco left to fetch a doctor and to buy him some medicine. They left Sophia to care for Lance while they were away.

While the two men were out, Sophia showed her true colors. She dated Miguel to get closer to Lance. It was really him that she wanted but he was not interested in her because of his friend.

She took the situation and used it for her advantage. While Lance was asleep and delirious with fever, she removed his shirt and pretended to wipe his body with soft towel to regulate his temperature, but her main purpose was to trap him into believing that something happened to them. Her plan went wrong. While she was still undressing and kissing the unconscious Lance, Miguel came back and saw them.

"What is the meaning of this?! Sophia get off him! Lance, I trusted you! How can you do this to me?!"

What he saw from his perspective was that his bestfriend and girlfriend has been cheating on him. He thought that Lance pretended to be sick so he could get rid of them and have some alone time with Sophia. Fuelled with fury and jealousy, he did something terrible that night.

Sophia ran away after being discovered. She did not even explain to Miguel that it was all her fault. She just fled and left Miguel and Lance. She cannot bear to see him kicking and punching Lance who was still unconscious. She was so terrified and seeing the effect of her actions made her feel guilty.

"I will never. . . for. . . give you for this! You . . . will. . . pay for . . . this!" Miguel said in between blows.

Miguel unrelentingly punched and jabbed at Lance who was still very weak and unaware of what happened. Marco was still out to fetch the doctor and when they arrived, they saw a bloodied Lance on the floor of Miguel's room. He was barely breathing. Miguel was still reeling with anger. He was shouting obscenities and hurtful words at Lance.

"What have you done Miguel! Why did you do this to our friend!?" Marco was panicked and at the same time angered at what he witnessed.

"No es mi amigo! No eres mi amigo! Usted me ha traicionado! Ustedes dos! Este era su plan a lo largo!"He's not my friend! You're not my friend! You betrayed me! Both of you! This was your plan all along!

"What are you talking about?!" Marco and the doctor tended to Lance. The doctor called an ambulance for fear of Lance's condition.

"He and Sophia. I saw them! He wanted her all along. They cheated on me!" Miguel was shaking from anger. He was not the same Miguel that Marco knew. He was like a possessed demon unleashing his wrath.

"Whatever you saw Miguel, I am certain it was not Lance's fault! Can't you see? He's sick! He can't even stand up to defend himself! How can you even think of him like that? Miguel, please look at him. Look at what you've done." Marco pleaded to Miguel.

"No me importa! Saltre! I hate him! Get out now before I kill all of you!" Miguel was now holding a gun and was pointing it out to Marco.

"Doctor, please help me carry Lance outside." Marco asked the doctor.

"No debe ser movido. Él puede ser fracturado" The doctor was panicked but he had to keep his composure.

"Are you going to bring that piece of sh*t out or should I put a bullet on his head?!" Miguel was out of control. It was like a switch was turned on and all he saw was red.

"Come on." Marco carried Lance praying that what he did will not make his condition worse.

It was raining hard that night and they were soaking outside when the ambulance arrived. Marco tried desperately to cover Lance from the rain. He never felt scared until that night, fearful of his friend's survival.

"Please hang on Lance. Help is on its way."

"I think you need to contact his family."

"I will Doc once we arrive at the hospital."

They brought Lance to the hospital. His body was badly bruised, Several of his ribs were broken. Internal bleeding and several concussions caused him to be in coma for almost two months.

That was not the worst thing that happened because of that night.

That night where Lance unknowingly lost more than his friend.


A/N: I had to set the next few chapters into Private to protect my copyright.

You can read the full story if you follow me. Thank you!

The next chapter is set to private.

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