5-Their Story

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Lance can be described as cold, calculating, manipulative and intelligent. But never impulsive. He never made a decision without thinking of the repercussions and effect that it may result to.

That was until Cassie. Cassie who was now sleeping beside him. He unbuckled his seat belt and hers as well. He carried her to the plane's cabin so she can sleep more comfortably. He laid her gently on the bed before returning to his seat.

He was not sure what happened to him at his Penthouse, but the moment he saw the worry and fear in her eyes, he wanted to protect her. He wanted to shield her from anything and anyone that may hurt her.

He had never felt so protective of anyone. Not even Lindsay who has been with him for years. But just one look at Cassie's expressive eyes and his mind and emotions goes haywire. Not even a day passed since their meeting but there was some irresistible pull that makes him want to keep her safe.

They were on his private jet on their way to his secluded Island in Zambales. He secretly bought this two years ago to be his sanctuary. They have just finished construction of the rest house and private resort. Nobody knew he has this property and this is what he needs.

To escape the gossips and rumors about his failed engagement. To forget the hurt from the betrayal of the person whom he thought could never make him feel worthless and unhappy. Lindsay.

They were happy. Or he believed they were. Their story was very simple. They have been friends during his later years in high school. They knew everything about each other. Or he thought he knew everything about her.

Their friendship was what made them start dating. They were tired of telling each other their break up stories from their relationships.  So they agreed to give it a try with each other. They clicked because they were both sensible. Never jealous. Always cool with each other's individual journey in life.

They have been together for six years excluding the time that they were still friends. They were each other's first in everything, well except the sex thing.

Lindsay and Lance were the perfect couple. They do not argue, they discuss their issues rationally without raising each other's voices. They never had a disagreement in their six years of dating. Perhaps because they rarely see each other. They were both busy with work. Lindsay being a Runway model and constantly travelling while he is also caught up with his company. Lance helped Lindsay achieve her dreams by providing her with connections and even money so she can live the glamorous life of a model.

The quality time they have is during phone conversations and weekly video calls. Everything they do were planned. They have to fit their relationship into their hectic schedule.  Never did they demand any time from each other and that helped for them to be both successful in their chosen careers.

Three months ago, he was put in a compromising situation where his grandparents, the grandparents that took care of him when his parents died, asked him when he will settle down. He was not paying attention that he responded with "Soon."

And so the planning began without the proper proposal.

His grandparents were excited that finally he will be settling down. He had been so busy with work that only their monthly dinner at their ancestral home was their avenue to catch up. He had no choice but to push through with the "proposal". He knew there would not be a problem with Lindsay.

He called Lindsay and asked her to have dinner with him. He flew to Paris just to see her.

No surprises, just a simple proposal during dinner and she readily accepted. He thought he was happy. He felt comfortable, yes, but happy? Now he wondered. Their agreed marriage now sounded like a business agreement, not a lifelong commitment.

Lindsay agreed to be his wife but she will not bear him a child until after 3 years. That is one of the conditions that they agreed to since she still have her modelling contract. Lance also stipulated that they will have a prenuptial agreement so both their interests would be protected. They agreed to have only one child since they are both busy with their careers and raising a child might be a problem.

Now, as he remembered that night where they seemed to plan their future, he cannot help but feel disappointed with himself. That was not planning their future, that was merely an agreement to their terms to get married. A contract to be together by two consenting adults. Rational and logical. Come to think of it, none of them seemed happy that they were finally engaged, they were simply relieved that at one point, their relationship was on the right track.

He is now starting to doubt whether he wanted to get married before or he just wanted to prove a point to his grandparents. That he can settle down and raise a family.

He is starting to see that his relationship with Lindsay is nothing more but a convenient and programmed commitment. They were very comfortable with each other but there was no chemistry. There was not even a sexual pull or impulsive desire to be together.

He was not a romantic. He was a very sensible guy who valued his time. And time with Lindsay was always calculated. Always planned. No spontaneity. Maybe that was what drove her to do what she did. Sad as it may seem but he was now starting to feel that he was not worthy to be loved by anyone.

He is hurting because of his bruised ego and not his failed relationship.

His heart is not capable of loving anyone anymore. He need to find out how to love. Maybe when he does, the heaviness he was feeling may be lifted and be replaced with the real happiness he once had.

He was in deep thought, caught in his own bubble and did not notice Cassie who was concernedly looking at him from the hallway of the plane.

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