24-The Wish

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Marco discovered the people behind the embezzlement. For their silence, he paid them double the amount that Miguel paid them. This is for their loyalty and for ensuring that the acquisition will be successful without alerting the Fernandez camp.

At first, Marco did not agree with Lance's plans as it tolerated the wrong doings of the people involved. But they had to be careful since Miguel was very powerful in Spain. Both of them knew that it was the right time to end Miguel's schemes so they had to stick with their plan.

"Lance, are you sure you want to spend this much money on those thieves? We can just scare them or threaten them so they will follow our orders." Marco was against Lance's plans but he knew once Lance made up his mind, he cannot convince him otherwise.

"Bro, I need everything to be perfect. And this method will execute the plan beautifully, without any violence or conflict. The money can be earned any day and Cassie's freedom is more important. I want her to be able to go out and live her life without fear."

"You really do love her don't you."

"I do. Very much. Bro, do you remember my obsession with new churches, wishing wells and shooting stars?" Lance was now smiling as he recollects his weirdness after his parents died.

"Yeah. You always drag me on some places just to sooth your cravings for your 'wishes'. You know I just tolerated you because you were my friend. But I really thought that you've gone insane man!"

"Hahaha! Yeah. I recalled there were couple of times when you even pretended to be sick and hid from me just so I won't ask you to join me on my past time."

"Bro! You call that a past time? Past time is reading a book or watching a movie. Yours was borderline crazy man!" Marco was laughing as he teased Lance.

Lance laughed with him then suddenly turned serious and Marco knew the reason.

"You know when I lost my parents who were my everything, I was on the verge of losing my mind. But then, I realized that I had to hold on to something. I chose to believe in the divine power of prayers and wishes. Whenever I prayed I always ask the heavens to grant me one wish. Always one wish. . ."

"I know. But you never told me your wish. You said I would jinx it."

Lance smiled as he remembered.

"I can tell you now because my wish has been granted."

"What was it?"

"I wished for Love. Someone who will love me unconditionally, someone that will be freely given to me by destiny. Someone that I will travel with on our road to forever."

"Oh. So cheesy man! You really are crazy! Crazy in love with Cassie!" Marco was now laughing at Lance's serious expression. He knew just which buttons to push to irritate his friend.

"Oh yes I am. Just wait for your turn. When you find your match, I'll be the one laughing."

"No no no. Never dude! I will never be a whipped ass like you."

"Of course someday you would. Wanna bet?"

"Sure dude! I'll grant you any 'wish' when that time comes."

"Ha! I'll take your word for that Marco. Now, where were we. . ."


A/N: I had to set the next few chapters into Private to protect my copyright.

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