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Lance and Marco's plan was going well until Lindsay found out about Miguel and Cassie. She was in Madrid when she passed by a convenience store and saw Cassie's picture in front of on an old bridal magazine issue.

"Sir who is this lady on the cover?" He asked the convenience store owner.

"Can't you read?! It said Cassandra Lopez heir of Lopez Financing, engaged to Miguel Fernandez of the Fernandez Enterprise. She's a runaway bride. Never been seen again after she left on the eve of her wedding." The man was clearly irritated at Lindsay but she ignored it for she needed some information.

"Do you know where I can find this Miguel Fernandez?"

"You're not from here are you. Stupid tourists! Just go to the tallest building on this city and you will find what you're looking for."

Acting on impulse and out of spite for the girl who took away her dream of being filthy rich, she met with Miguel Fernandez. There she told him everything.

"So you are telling me, that my Cassandra is now living with a man named Lance Montgomery?" Miguel's voice was livid. He hated that name more than anyone in the world. His ex best friend who betrayed him and took away the first girl he ever loved.

"Yes. Last I saw them was almost three months ago in California. But I don't know where that b*tch is right now. . ." Miguel was fast and he pinned Lindsay on the wall with his hands on her neck.

"Do not ever talk about her that way again!"

"Gerr. . offme. . ."

He let go of her and was about to hit her when he composed himself.

"Leave before I lose my temper and kill you!"

Lindsay didn't need any more warning as she scampered out of the room. She was scared of what she had done. That man was crazy.


Cassie was still very careful. She never leave their well guarded estate unless accompanied by Lance. Some of her check ups were even done at home. This was how cautious they were of Miguel's threats. Lance knew how his crazy mind works and he must always be prepared. He already lost so much because of that man and he will not let anything happen to his family.

When Lance told Cassie what happened to them and Miguel, it made her more careful not because she fears for her safety but for the sake of her husband. She knew he lost everything because of Miguel and Lance may never survive the heartbreak if ever she or their baby will be taken away from him.

"Promise me, you will never compromise your safety, no matter what happen you will always wait for me. Do not ever meet with him even if he threaten you with my safety."

"Of course I will be careful but I could never promise you that I will do nothing to save you or anyone I love for that matter from his wicked hands."

"Cassandra, I'm serious. Do not ever go to him alone. Do you hear me? Please promise me baby. It will kill me if anything bad happens to you."

Cassie sighed as she knew she had to answer and give her word. But she fears that there would come a time when she may have to break her promise.

"I promise." Cassie said with her fingers crossed.

On the other hand, Miguel was so busy with finding Cassandra that the acquisition of Lopez Financing Corporation by an unknown businessman, and Cassandra's parents' disappearance got past his radar.

After talking to that woman named Lindsay, he had an idea who was behind all his problems.

"Men, search every part of that town. Secure Cassandra's location and give me all information on Richard Lance Montgomery. I expect a report in 24 hours."

He deployed all his minions to Beverly Hills, California. That was the place Lindsay told him where he can find Lance. He will follow his team once they find out where Cassandra was. All he had to do was create a way to lure her out of her hiding place. And he knows just how to do that.

Kidnapping Sammy, Cassandra's friend had been easy. He just had to invite her for dinner pretending to know something about Cassandra.

"Miguel, what were you about to tell me about Cassie? Have you found her?" Sammy was careful in acting like she was not aware of where Cassie was. Though technically she really doesn't know her exact location.

Miguel placed a chloroform soaked handkerchief on her mouth and nose. When she lost consciousness, he took pictures of her gagged and drugged and sent it to Lance's office in California, addressed to Cassandra.

It was easy tracking him down now that Miguel knew where to look.

Unfortunately, Cassandra was at Lance's office that day. She was overseeing the completion of her first music album, her brainchild where she wrote 6 of the 8 songs.

Since the package was under her name, she opened the parcel containing Sammy's pictures. What caught her attention was the image of the time bomb beside the bed where Sammy laid gagged and unconscious.

"Oh Jesus. Miguel, what have you done now." Cassie was sickened that he will go to such extreme just to get her.


An address was on the other side of the note. Cassie was so scared and was rattled by what she saw. Her bestfriend was in grave danger. Lance was at a board meeting at the other side of town, he unknowingly left his phone and Cassie has no other way to contact him. She knew she cannot waste anymore time but she also knew the danger that she will be facing and with her pregnancy, she cannot risk it.

But remembering Sammy and their friendship made her rethink her decision. She wrote a note to Lance, left the pictures with the address and called Marco to tell him what happened. She needed Marco in case Lance will not arrive on time.

"Marco, Cassie here."

"Miguel found me. He has my bestfriend. What should I do?"

"No. Lance doesn't know yet he left his phone here and I don't know how to contact him."

"I cant wait anymore. I saw a bomb on the picture he sent."

"Please hurry Marco. I will wait for you there."

"Yes. I will try to get the truth from him. I just hope this plan works."

"Im on my way down. I'll meet you there. Yes I'll be careful. Don't worry about me. Thanks Marco."


Marco's phone rang and he saw Lance's number as the caller.

"Lance whats up bro? . . .Cassie?"


"Does Lance know?"

"Ill find a way to reach him. Meanwhile, just stay there I'll come and get you. Let me just round up my men and we can go to Miguel's hide out. You need to wait for me or Lance. . . what?!"

"Jesus! That son of a b*tch! Ok here's what we'll do. . ."

After talking with Cassie and relaying his plan, Marco tried to call Lance through the other board of directors but he already left the meeting. He doesn't have a choice but to proceed with the plan and just wait for Lance to show up.

They can finally end this, once and for all.

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