19-The Heartache

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Lance received a call from Ramon while he was already on his way home. He was actually about to get off from his car when he received the news that Lindsay arrived at his apartment and Cassie fainted. It was a good thing that Ramon arrived on time or else his whole security team might have lost their jobs.

The ride up the elevator was disconcerting. He was very worried about Cassie. He neglected to tell her about Lindsay and now he was very afraid of what will happen to them. He was sure of his feelings for Cassie but knowing her, she will be doubtful of him from now on.

Still pondering on how to tell her, the elevator door opened and revealed his ex and his best friend arguing. He was rooted on the spot when he heard everything.

"I left right away but I made sure that I had an evidence. I was planning to tell Lance but then the engagement thing got in the way. His grandparents were so excited. I knew I had to find a way to tell him so I blackmailed your bestfriend, or should I say, long time girlfriend, to ensure that the wedding will not push through." Lance was hurt by Marco's admission but he knew that he could always trust him.

"Huh? . . . What are you saying?"

"I was a coward for not being able to tell Lance because I never wanted to see him get hurt. So I told Suzie if she do not do something to break you and Lance apart, I will show the pictures I took of you and her kissing and release that to the media. . . "

Lance saw the shift in Lindsay's eyes, and he knew that she will soon fight back. It has been always like that with her. When they were still together, he always notice some sudden changes on her expression. It was like she was showing him only the best part of her but something dark is hidden inside. He ignored it as much as he can until now.

". . .I cannot bear the thought of my best friend marrying a con artist like you! A pretentious b*tch such as yourself should never have anything as good as Lance." Marco continued.

"You! You ruined everything!" Lindsay suddenly stood up with balled fists and tried to attack Marco and Lance knew he had to stop her.

He never meant to tell Lindsay how her betrayal affected him but he was caught off guard. He cannot bear her degrading the only person who stood by him in every trials of his life. Marco was his best friend since childhood. He had been more than a brother.

The argument with his ex left him distressed but he remembered the main reason for his worries, Cassie.

He signaled Marco then nervously went inside his apartment to face her.

Lance has never been nervous in his entire life until now. His mind was in overdrive. When he saw Cassie on the couch still unconscious, he almost faltered from his steps.

"Boss, the doctor will arrive in a few minutes. I was able to catch her on time so we don't need to worry about her fall. I will wait for him outside Boss."

Lance ignored Ramon and just went straight to kneel beside his girlfriend.

"I'm here now. I'm so sorry for not telling you sooner. Please wake up. I don't want seeing you like this. I love you baby, please don't leave me because of this." Lance was hugging her with his head on her neck, whispering the words he was longing for her to hear.

Cassie woke up minutes before Lance arrived. She was able to hear the loud arguments outside the room. She didn't mean to eavesdrop but it was like her whole senses were tuned in to their discussion. She wanted to know what happened. She want to hear everything from Lance but at the moment, anything will do. She felt sorry for Lance upon hearing his ex's betrayal but the fact still remained that he hid this from her.

Lance felt Cassie move, she touched his hair and tried to get up.

"Cassie?" Lance hugged her tightly before assisting her into a seating position.

"You're here early."

"I was on my way home when Ramon called. I was so worried about you. How are you feeling?" It hurt Lance to see that Cassie does not look at his face. She was talking to him with her head bowed.

"I met your. . .your. . . fiancée." Lance could not help but notice the agony in her voice.

"Cassie, Im sorry for not telling you sooner. I never meant for you to find out this way. She's nothing to me now. But, you're everything to me. Please hear me out first before you think about anything." Lance's pleading and pain laced voice was enough to make the tears on Cassie's eyes that she was controlling to fall.

"I will tell you everything but please hear me out. Please listen to me baby. . ."

"I will listen."

And so Lance proceeded to tell her everything about him and Lindsay. Their story.

From the start of their friendship until their argument outside minutes before.

He also told her the reason for their break up.

Cassie was quiet all the while. She was just looking at her hands and not once did she looked at Lance.

"Cassie, please say something. You're scaring me."

"Do you. . . love her?"

"No. I don't. Come to think of it, I never loved her. What I felt for her was not love, but companionship and care. But not love. I am sure of that now."

"How do you know that it was not love? You were together for a long time." Cassie asked.

"How do I know? Easy. The heartbreak I am feeling right now. . . now that you won't even look at me. . . and this terrible fear that I have right now that I might lose you after this day. . . is a million times worse than the hurt I felt at the time I found out that she was cheating on me. . ."

". . .I have never felt so strongly about any other person than I feel about you. You were always on my mind. Everything that I do and want to do includes you. All my future plans are for you. You are my life Cassie. It really breaks my heart that my stupidity of forgetting to tell you about my past can cost me my happiness with you. . ." Lance cannot help the tears that fell from his eyes. This is the first time he cried after his parents died.

". . . I love you and even if you don't want me anymore, I will still prove to you how much I love you.  I will fight for you, for us." He was now covering his face and silently crying.

Cassandra knew from that moment that Lance's love for her can surpass any obstacles along their way. His confessions proved to her that he will never let her go. So she did the best thing she knew to reassure him of her love and commitment to stay.

She removed his hand from his face, wiped away the tears on his eyes and cheeks, she held his face in between her hands and gently kissed his lips. She poured out her forgiveness, understanding and love on that kiss.

When their kiss ended, Cassie looked straight into his eyes.

"I love you Lance. No one can ever change that. I will never leave your side. You can count on that. You removed all my doubts and fears. I may still get scared some times but I know you will always be with me to remind me how much we value each other. Remember that honey. I will never leave you."

Lance could never be happier after hearing Cassie's words. He firmly hugged her then kissed her passionately. That was until they heard a knock from the door.


A/N: I had to set the next few chapters into Private to protect my copyright.

You can read the full story if you follow me. Thank you!

The next chapter is set to private.

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