Chapter 3 - The Game

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Katherine's POV

Damn exams always make me hungry , where the hell is Cara i need to eat now or bad things will happen.

I am Standing here for almost 30 minutes wondering where is that piece of shit .

I can't handle it anymore , i am going alone to the cafeteria , she can follow me later.

And as if she was reading my mind, "Kat ! Hey kat wait me." she started shouting, i turned around to see here running toward me .

She took a deep breath when she reached me probably tired from running.

" How was your exam ?" She asked and when i was about to answer she directly interrupted me, "I am So stupid to even ask you , Of course you nailed it little nerd, not like me i screwed it up." She said still panting , "You should at least smile , without this frown sticking at your face, cheer up ! ". She said with a long sigh and her bubbling made me frown even more.

"Eat now, talk later ! I am starving." I said while pulling her toward the cafeteria .

We placed out trays on the table and it didn't took me a second, i was already eating , and so engrossed in my plate , while Cara kept on saying bullshits i don't give a damn about ,

Damn food is heaven..

Hmm okay now i can smile !

But my happy bubble didn't last long, because out of nowhere someone placed his tray on our table and i felt someone sitting beside me , i turned my head to meet those blue eyes, and they were staring directly into mine and I couldn't help but stare back.

God they are amazing !

I didn't notice that we were staring at each other that long until Cara cleared her throat breaking our gaze.

Damn Cara couldn't you wait a little bit more.

"She cant keep her eyes away from me can she." Chase said with that famous smirk plastered on his handsome face.

That earned a chuckle from Cara and i just narrowed my eyes.

"Why you are setting here ? Don't you have other friends to bother." I said without looking at him, because i know if i looked long enough bad things will happen and let us not mention what kind of things.

"I just love bothering you kit kat." He said and Cara just chuckled , remind me to kick her ass when we go home.

"Kit kat ! " I exclaimed , "Since when we are on nickname basis." I said while narrowing my eyes at him but all i get was just a smirk .

And believe me i was fighting the urge to rip it of with my lips .

Oh Katherine stop !

You and your stupid hormones , don't forget you don't like him , he is not your type.

Why he had to be so damn hot , i hate him !

"So kity kat today there is a baseball game would you and Cara join me and Caleb , we have extra tickets, it will be fun." Chase said and looked between Cara and me waiting for an answer.

But no way in hell i am going with him, i mean i cant handle him for a few minutes ,
and wait a second since when we are friends and we hang out.

"Well..."I was going to protest and start arguing and refusing his idea, but before i could start talking , that little witch i call my best friend interrupted me, "Yeah sure we're going, who would miss a free game." Cara said with that enthusiastic voice of her.

"Great ! Caleb and i will pick you up girls at 9 pm , Be ready!" He said with same enthusiastic tone,

Wait was he that eager for us to go !

No way ,i am just imagining for sure, anyway back to our point.

"Wait ! What? Who said i am going ? I have a lot of other important things to do."

"Oh really ! What important things exactly?" Chase said arching his left eyebrows with amused look on that beautiful face of his.

Katherine man up ! I mean have some dignity stop "mind flirting" with him .

"Well, I .. I have exams and i should study and..." I said trying to figure other excuses but was interrupted again by Cara , "Kat stop lying , you just finished your exams today and we were planning on doing something funny today and here is a baseball game , so we are going whether you said yes or no !" She said with a tone daring me to say no .

Wahoo! Sometimes she turns into a scary creature.

"Okay then , be ready at 9 girls" Chase said while getting up, then he looked at me "Try not to look so sexy for me ." He said and winked at me and then left.

My eyes widened at his comment and I am sure my face is red as hell now

And that wink , oh my god !

"Someone is blushing , Oh Kat you look so cute." Cara started teasing me.

"Shut up ! Why you said we are going ha ? What if i don't want to , you know i cant handle him."

"Oh stop lying i see how both of you look at each other ! You like him and don't say no , and he likes you too."

"What? No way in hell .
First , i don't like him , i just hate him, i cant handle his ugly ass face. Second, he doesn't like me , he just want to play with me like he does to other girls . But i wouldn't give him that satisfaction. And third, i will beat the crap out of you when we go home."

"Oh ! You are so liking him , i can see it in your eyes when you talk about him ,stop denying it. Oh god i will be an auntie soon ." She said with a dreaming voice .

"Drama much ha? Can we stop talking about him now and lets go home i am so tired." I said while getting up and trying to get the hell out of here because all what on my mind now is :

Do i really like him ?

No way i cant, it is probably just a small attraction , i cant like him , i will just end up being hurt .

I have to promise myself not to fall for his charm anymore, it is just a baseball game , i will ignore him as much as i can and i will be alright, i can do this .

At least that's what i was trying to convince myself...


Here we go chapter 3 , hope you will like it !

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My love ❤️

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