Chapter 14 - "Time Heals" is a lie !

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Katherine's POV

2 year later...

The sun peeked in my bedroom window, lighting my hair like a fiery halo. I lifted my head from the pillow, my curly hair tumbling down my back like a waterfall. The suns vibrant rays sent a glossy, gold sheen all around the room, blending with the falling leaves of Autumn. The sound of the rhythmic waves tumbling in the surf brought a peaceful hymn to my ears, as I opened my window to engulf the cool Miami breeze. I closed my eyes yet again, the suns waking rays warming my body.

"You are up" Cara said coming standing beside me looking from the window into the beautiful scenery.

"You sure you wanna do this ?" She looked at me , concern filling her eyes.

"Yup sure, i've been running away for two years , i have to go back" I said with determination hiding the fear inside me.
Going back to LA and working
there will definitely bring all the memories back ,but i cant hide forever..

I cant keep running from the past.

It's been two years ! Two full years since the accident, but i still feel as if it was yesterday !
Caleb,Cara, Chase's parents and sister they all stayed by my side this whole time , we all helped each other to overcome the loss of Chase.

Caleb never left my side specially after he saw me trying to kill myself , i think he got really worried and he thought i may repeat it again, so he made sure that there is always someone watching me. Also he insisted that i should see a therapist , and after many arguments i gave up and i did ,and it was helpful actually .

Then my therapist said i need a vacation away from stress and from the past , so Cara , Caleb and I came to Miami. Caleb stayed for two weeks but then went back to Los Angles because of the company since now he is doing all the work and running the business after Chase.
But Cara and I stayed for a month and a half  and today we were going back to LA , Cara had a job there too, she took a break just to come with me.

I've never though i would have people that will care about me like this, they're all i have now, they are my only family.

I went out of the shower , and stood in front of the mirror drying my hair, looking at myself now i feel i've changed a lot in the last two years , i look older ,the innocence that Chase used to love has gone, when i look at my reflection i see a face void of emotions and cold .
My eyes lost the sparkle they once had, when i look deep in them , i just see a boring cold brown color , no life in them at all !

I've changed a lot , from both outside and inside, the walls that Chase once broke , i built them again , i just kept Caleb and Cara inside and i pushed all the others away, i cant let anyone get close to me anymore , the girl who once was capable of love is gone and she'll never come back.

"Kat , did you finish ? We don't want to miss the flight" Cara shouted from the other room jerking me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah yeah just 1 minute" i said while wearing my snickers , then  i took one last look out of the window enjoying the scene for one last time . I'm going to miss this , this place gave me some inner peace , a peace that was taken away from me for a long time.

We headed toward the airport, Cara didn't shut up the whole ride , she kept on talking and chatting with the taxi driver, asking him stupid questions...typical Cara !   

The flight from Miami to LA took 4 hours , Cara was sleeping the whole trip but i wasn't able to close my eyes , i was nervous and a little bit afraid . I mean i didn't came to LA since two years ago and this place is full with memories , memories i don't want to remember ! I know they are all happy memories and they should make me relieved but it is the exact opposite, those memories will just show me the happiness i lost , the happiness that i'll never be able to get back and it hurts, it hurts too damn much !

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