Chapter 13 - I'll help you

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Caleb's POV

Saying that speech was the hardest thing to do , and the part about Katherine , i'm regretting mentioning it , because she was trying to hold on from the morning but when i said that part she started crying again and went out of the room. I'm so worried about her , and afraid in the same time , afraid she may hurt herself !

Talking about that , where is she ? I cant see her here.
I was looking around the room trying to find her , then i saw her beside the door looking around at everyone , and then she left !

Where did she went ? Creepy thoughts start forming in my head , and i couldn't help that feeling in the pit of my stomach . I have to follow her !

I walked out of the room , then saw her entering a small room at the end of the hallway then closing the door behind her which made me more worried . I started running toward that room hopping she will not do anything to herself, hoping she wont hurt herself !

I opened the door , and what i saw made my heart pound harder and felt blood rushing throw my body , Katherine was holding a knife near her wrist and when blood drops started to drip, i directly went near her , grabbed the knife and pushed it away, i looked at her wrist and thanks god i was there just in time , the knife had just touched the surface of her hand leaving a small scar.
"What the hell Katherine ? Are you crazy ? Do you know what would've happened if i wasn't here in time ?! I know you are hurting , i know , we are all hurting too ! It is hard believe me i know , but you cant do this , you cant end your life that simply !!" I started shouting at her maybe i'll kick some sense into because it seems she've lost it all !

"This is the only way , I wont be able to bare these feelings ! I wont be able to move on , so i will end it now ! I have no one left , i'm all alone now " She said tears streaming from her eyes , she tried to free herself from my grip but i didn't let her , she will hurt herself the moment i let her go and i will not let that happen !

"Don't you ever dare say that again, you have all of us , you have me , Cara , Mr. And Mrs. Henderson, Amara (Chase's sister) ,you have all of us , and we will never leave you alone ! We have all to stay together , help ourselves in moving on !
That what chase would want , would you think he would like you doing this ? Giving up and ending your life ! Leaving behind you people who really care about you !! Would you think he would like that ! Answer me Katherine." I said my voice raising with every word , I was angry ,not just from her , from myself too because i was going to break the only promise i gave to Chase .

"The only people who care about me are dead now , all of them are dead ! So don't act like you care , why would you care ! Why his parents would care ? I've lost the only people who cares about me so stop acting !" She shouted back at me.

"Stop it ! Stop saying these bullshits, i've never though you will be that selfish ! Not caring about anyone. Do you now the last thing Chase told me ? Do you know !! " she looked at me her eyes pleading me to continue.

"When i heard about the accident i rushed to the hospital directly , they were just about entering Chase to the operation room , i saw him , he was conscious , or half conscious lets say , he wasn't even able to talk but even though he made sure to say one thing to me , he told me "Take care of Katherine" his last words was about you , he wanted to make sure you gonna be okay ! And right then i promised him and myself that i'll take care of you , i will not let you hurt yourself Katherine. I will never leave your side not  just because of the promise but because you are my friend , you are the only thing that is left from Chase , and i will take care of you , i will help you through this ! " telling her this brought back what i was holding back , brought back the awful sick truth , that he died and he is never coming back .

"I'm afraid , i'm so afraid Caleb , afraid to face this life alone ! Afraid that i will not make it through , afraid of all the pain and the torture, afraid of the loneliness.. I'm so scared ! I have nothing to hold into." She said her voice breaking with every word , fear obvious in her eyes.

"You have one thing to hold into ! The love you have for him is what should make you strong ,What you had with chase was special , you said that to me remember ?
What you two had was and is special and it will last forever , and thats what you should hold into , this should be your motive , this will help you move on !" I said trying to convince myself with these words before convincing her.

She looked at me without uttering a word which made me scared for a second but then she wrapped her arms around me and start sobbing in my chest "Thank you Caleb" she mumbled and I hugged her back feeling a little relieved that i was able to convince her.

From now on, i'll help her get over this , i'll be beside her all the time ,i'll keep my promise and i will not let you down Chase.

I'll help her and she'll help me back , because she is the only thing left from you.

But one thing i'll not be able to tell her about , the truth behind your accident , I will not be able to tell her , it will just make her feel worst .
So i will deal with alone , i'll get your revenge on them and i'll let them pay for this !

I promise you Chase i'll take good care of Katherine, and I will take your revenge against those who killed you , i'll take it even if it was over my Dead Body!


Double update !
Awesome me 😊😊

In the next chapter there will be a time jump.
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My love ❤️

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