Chapter 29 - Facing My Fears

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Katherine's POV

To say i got much sleep last night would be a lie, i couldn't sleep , many thoughts were roaming inside my mind , about Caleb , about Ashton and mostly about TODAY,

I've been avoiding this day since ever, last year in this exact day i tried my best to not think, to escape, to free and distract myself. But i can't do this anymore, not this year,not today especially not when i am here , when i am so close.

A car horn voice knocked me out of my thoughts making me jump in my seat , that is when i noticed that the traffic lights had changed to green and i was still in my place , i directly drove away before someone would get out of the cars behind me and kick my ass for not moving.

I burrowed Cara's car and some clothes today because i wanted to head directly to the company without passing by the Hotel first. I don't know why but i don't want to be with Ashton alone , at least not today.

After 15 minutes i arrived, i went directly toward my desk trying my best to avoid talking to anyone , don't misunderstand me,  i am not rude it is just i am not in the mood today.

The whole day i tried my best to stay in my desk, i barely talked with Ashton, i just went to his office to hand him some files but then ended up giving him the wrong ones , after that i gave him some important documents to sign but then i noticed they are not important actually they are not the documents needed, not to mention also in the meenting i spilled coffee all over the papers , i seriously wasnt able to hold it anymore so i excused myself and went away.

My mind wasnt functioning normally today , i wasn't able to concentrate or even do my normal tasks without messing up , the weird thing is that Ashton didnt complain or even shout at me for doing everything wrongly , he would just give me that irritated expression then tell me to do it again .

I couldn't help but also notice that how he was different today too, he wasnt able to concentrate and work normally , i would call his name over and over until he notice my presence , he would zoon out a lot , and his face looked pale and pinched , his eyes looked tired like he hadn't sleeped in days.

'Why i am caring anyway ?' i whispered to myself then looked at my reflection in the mirror, i look like shît , my hair is messed up , i tried to fix it by my hands but failed misearbly , i looked closer at my face , the face that i don't even recognize anymore, it is pale,drained of color, getting skinnier because of the lack of food , i am barely eating a meal per day, and now not to mention my eyes, they lost their sparkle, they lost the innocense they once held , all what i want is just to close them and never open them again.

I am tired , the kind of tired that sleep cant fix..

I went back to my desk hoping that this day will just end with no other problems , but damn how wrong i was.

Suddenly i felt a presence beside me , i looked up to meet with Ashton's worried face

"Are you okay ?" he asked after a while.

I just nodded and mumbled a low 'yeah' , then tried to go back to the papers in front of me, trying to look busy.

"Are you sure ?" he asked again and i couldnt make myself utter a word , it is like i was afraid if i opened my mouth i would just break down.

When i didnt say anything and kept looking down , he held my chin and lifted up so i can face him, his touch sended shivers down my spine , it was cold but the moment his hand made contact with my skin , i felt a sudden warmth building inside me .

"Katherine, what is wrong ?" he asked oblivious to the effect his touch had on my skin.

"I-i am o-okay." I stuttered unable to talk normally due to his touch and closiness.

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