18:How Your Parents Feel About Him

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Basically, what your parents might think of one of the boys if you were dating him.

Due to the notorious Chambers reputation, your parents would be pretty on edge about him being around you. At first, they were worried about him being a bad influence on you. Of course, after they got to know him, they'd love him.

Your parents would feel kind of sorry for him because of his situation and all, and they were always nice to him because he tried to be as respectful as possible just for you. They figured if he cared that much about you, he was alright.

Your parents would think he was a sweet kid. Of course the whole 'overprotective dad' would kick in, and your dad would constantly drill Vern on random safety procedures. Overall, they liked him.

Your parents adored Gordie. He was pretty much everything they'd hoped for you: good grades, nice (or at least appear to be) family, respectful of you, etc. They got along great.

I figured this isn't a preference you see all the time, so why not? Thanks for all the reads and votes and comments guys! M'kay.


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