32: Gordie Imagine pt. 2

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I was asked to do a follow up to the previous Gordie imagine, so here it be.

You were still waiting, but so was Gordie. You both kept to your word and waited for the right moment. It had been three years; you were in the 8th grade, and Gordie was a senior in high school.

You two still talked. Every now and then, you would meet him in some secluded place to just, well, talk. You'd ask him advice about getting through junior high, and he'd come to you to just vent.

However, something you had started to notice was that no matter what he came to you about, he never once made a dirty remark or sweared. For some reason this just stuck out to you.

One day, you were with a friend of yours at the ice cream parlor. You two were sitting at the counter eating your sundaes when a group of boys came in.

They were all talking and joking, and a lot of what they said was pretty crude.

You hadn't barely given the group a second glance, but then you heard a very familiar voice say something that you never heard come from it.

"Well, come on. Man, she's hot, so just fuck her and get it over with."

You whipped around to see Gordie laughing around with a group of his friends. He caught your eye, and his widened a little.

You turned back around to your ice cream and poked at it with your spoon. You and your friend talked as you finished your ice creams. You tried to keep tuned into the boys' conversation, which you quickly noticed that Gordie himself had lessened his language.

A couple days later, you were at the library browsing the fiction section, when you suddenly felt arms around you. You looked up to see Gordie looking down at you.

"Hey you," he whispered, smiling. He let go of you, and you turned around to face him.

"Gordie, can we talk?" you asked quietly, beginning to walk towards the very back to the library, so as to not disturb anyone.

He frowned slightly. "Yeah... Y/N, what's the matter?"

You sighed. "This sounds stupid, but why do you never cuss around me? Everything you ever say to me is cleaner than soap."

His expression relaxed, and e laughed lightly. "Oh, well, I don't know. I guess it's cause you're, well, you're a lot younger than me...."

"So what you're saying is that you do think of me as a kid, don't you?" you accused.

This took him by surprise. "What? No, I just- Well, you know what? The reason I never say anything dirty around you is because you still have some innocence. That's one of the reasons I love you so much: no matter what you manage to keep whatever innocence you can. I don't want to take that away from you, alright? I like knowing that there are things you don't know."

You felt yourself blushing a little. "Gordie, I'm not all that innocent. I know a thing or two about life."

"I know that, but see, the way you're blushing; most girls don't have anything to blush about because they're all just... dirty." He got really close to you and pulled you even closer. "You remember what we said about waiting?"

You looked up at him and nodded, eyes wide at his words and passion at the moment. "Yeah. What about it?"

"I don't wanna wait anymore. I need you in my life. Little moments where all I can do is talk to you in case someone sees us, but I don't care anymore. I'm ready if you're ready," he answered with so much sincerity and love.

"I've been ready since that day you left my sister sobbing in the front yard." You smiled as he leaned down and kissed you sweetly on the lips. "So what now?"

Gordie smirked. "Well, I guess to make this more official I should probably ask you to go steady with me, huh?"

"Sure. That sounds good."

Eh.. Idk how I feel about this one. Definitely not one of my better ones. Anywho, hope y'all like it! I had a totally different idea for this one, but i didn't like where it was going, so I just went with my gut on this.

Oh and guys! Thanks for all the reads and votes on this book! It means so much! M'kay.


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