168:Teddy Imagine for @-standbyme

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For corhaim (once again, I took forever and realized all of a sudden that you changed your user)

Chris spun you around, pulling you back in and wrapping his arms around you.

You giggled and kissed his cheek. You said something to him before walking passed Teddy.

Teddy couldn't help but watch you walk away. The way you walked was more than he could handle.

"Hey, Teddy," you smiled as you passed.

The way you talked was entrancing.

It took everything in him not to reply with I love you. Instead, he mumbled, "Yeah, hi." He wasn't sure how long he could hide his feelings for you.

Every time he saw you two kiss, his heart felt like it had been pierced.

It wasn't long before he found himself left alone with you and dying to admit his feelings.

What if she gets mad? What if she tells him? Teddy knew that if that happened, he'd lose two important people in his life, one of his best friends and the girl he loved.

"Why are you do quiet?" you laughed. "Teddy Duchamp is known for never being quiet." She paused, noticing the telltale pained expression in his face. "What's wrong?"

Teddy tried his hardest not to blurt what was on his mind, but his heart won out. "I'm in love with you, Isabelle."

This caught you by surprise. Something you had longed to hear so long ago. You stared down at your dress, it's pleated skirt so uncomplicated. Unlike this situation. Your heart was beating rapidly. "O have to go."

Teddy watched you go, once again, his heart aching. He knew he had messed up.

The weeks dragged by, and Teddy knew to keep his distance. Chris seemed unaware, much to Teddy's relief. You wouldn't imagine telling Chris. Not yet.

It wasn't until you realized that you couldn't stop thinking about Teddy and his confession. Would it have bothered you so much if you didn't still long to be with him? Had you not made sure to tell him about going steady with Chris to, hopefully, gain a reaction from him? Did you not wear your hair down because Teddy had mentioned years ago that it looked nice that way?

These things spun through your head as you ran to find Chris.

Teddy sat at the base of the old treehouse, tossing a ball up and catching it.

The sudden sight of you running towards him made him jump up, missing the ball totally. Not that he cared.

Your hair was a little unkempt and your headband was of little use. "Teddy," you breathed.

"Isabelle, what are you doing here? Chris is-"

You shook your head. "I love you too."

Teddy could hardly believe it. "What? I think my hearing is messing with me again." Could his longing be finally be coming to an end?

You smiled, approaching him slowly. "No, Teddy. I love you." You reached him, taking hold of both of his hands. "I love you."

I hope you like it! I know I'm late (what's new). Thank you for requesting! I've been out of school and mostly been working a book that is only in my drafts (sigh). M'kay.


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