75: Chris Imagine for @outsiders_love

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For outsiders_love

"Okay class, I will put you in partner groups for our next assignment," the teacher announced.

There was a collective groan which was quickly cut short from a sharp look from the teacher.

She began calling pairs. "Carl, you will be with Delilah. Gordie and Susie will work together. Chris and Bella. Timothy and Lisa." She kept going on, and when she was finished, everyone got up to sit by their partner.

You despairingly looked over at Chris Chambers, lowlife by reputation, asshole by actions. He rolled his eyes and got up. It's not like you made him get up.

He pulled the now empty desk next yours a tad closer to yours and sat down, slouching in the seat.

"What's your problem?" you abruptly asked.

He looked at you, clearly taken by surprise before leveling his expression back to its usual tough look. "What do you mean?"

"I haven't done a single thing to you, but you're still a complete ass to me," you stated. "I just want to know why you act like I offended your mother all the time."

"I wouldn't care one way or another if you offended my mother," he replied in a bored tone.

"Oh yeah, I forgot, you're from the family of the year," you muttered, taking out a piece of paper to do the assignment.

He just sighed. "Gee, and you wonder why I don't like you."

You suddenly felt kind of bad, but he was a Chambers, and they were white trash. Well, that's what your parents said, and Chris had never tried to prove the rumor wrong.

You two began to work on the assignment in awkward mumbled answers and replies to each other. You two were finished before anyone else.

"Chris, why don't you like me?" you blurted.

He gave you a slight smile, like he was amused. "You're straightforward. Why does it bother you so much how I feel about you?"

You thought for a second. "I don't know."

He shrugged. "I guess you're honest." He sighed. "I really don't hate you, I swear."

You were surprised. You had expected some explanation about how you had wronged him in some way. "Well, then why are you such a butthole to me?"

"Because I'm a boy," he looked over at you, for once, his expression soft, "and boys never know how to act around the girl they like."

This really took you by surprise. "Hm," was all you could manage out, but you could feel your cheeks warming.

The rest of the day, you found yourself looking for him. You weren't sure if you liked him, but you were definitely interested by him. Maybe he'd still like you by the time you figured out if you liked him or not.

Oh my gosh! I'm sooooo sorry that this is so late. I really hope you like it even tho it's crappy. Thank you for requesting and your patience. M'kay.


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