Thursday (1)

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It all started on a Thursday.

On this useless day in the middle of the week...

Sure, Thursday is not as depressing as back-to-work-Monday, but it's not motivation-Tuesday nor hard-work-Wednesday either. And it's definitely not praise-God-Friday. Usually, nothing ever happens on tiresome-boring-Thursday. And nothing did till quite late that evening.

On that particular day, like most of the other days, Henry fought his alarm clock for a while, lost, got up reluctantly. He showered, washing sleepiness away under the barely-hot running water. He grabbed the first white button-down and the first black suit at hand, the same as the day before. He petted his massive dog, overjoyed and jumping around, and fed him with odorless meaty kibbles. He fed his own stomach with oversuggary kiddy cereals, and overstrong manly coffee. He took his little blue car to be stuck in traffic for too long. He worked all morning. He bought a sandwich for lunch, in the nearby bakery where the clerk was so pretty but so pouty. He worked all afternoon. He took his little blue car to sit in traffic some more. He fed his dog and his stomach again. He watched a crappy TV show and fell asleep on the sofa... Alone.

When he woke up, the crappy infotainment show had been replaced by a crappy sentimental drama. Henry stared at the screen for a while, not even aware of what his eyes were seeing.

That's when something happened. On an otherwise classically dull Thursday evening, Henry made a decision.

Four months, eight days and a few hours after June left him, he decided that he'd had enough

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