Chapter 9: Be Happy

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I still can't believe what happened. I'm getting way to distracted by Nika but not in a bady way that is. She completes my day even if I only saw her once, getting the chance to talk to her is a bonus. I've fallen again in the arms of Love.

It was Pretzel's birthday. Chris asked me if I wanted to join but I said no. I was busy thinking of a way to make Nika happy. We were almost halfway through the school year. I have to make everyday count. I still had to complete Clara's favor. Jian is struggling to be happy at this point. I don't know the guy that much but I want to help him out. It isn't right for him to experience what happened to me before. And our Retreat was up next. I packed my stuff. Lets see... it says on the newsletter that we aren't allowed to wear shorts. Wew. Had to buy pajamas at the nearby mall. I wonder if they also bought pajamas for themselves? I got all the materials lock 'n loaded so I brought the bag to school. Jamie on the other hand didn't even bring that much load. Its size is just my regular backpack when I go everyday to school.

"Are ya excited bros?", I asked.

"Nahhh, I'll miss Pretzel.", Chris answered.

"Wew, what about you Brandon?", I said.

He was fixing his backpack. I could see multiple books and... a pillow???

"Woah, you brought a pillow with you? If I can remember correctly, they'll provide us with pillows man haha.", Chris said.

"Nonono. This is my knockout pillow. If I don't sleep with it, I can't fall asleep. Try to ask my Mom about it, its true!", Brandon replied.

"Okay..? Prince is going to arrive late I think. He missed something.", I said.

As if on cue, he barges through the gates. We were suppose to attend a halfday of class but time was running out so we all rallied at the gate. Most of my classmates brought food. One of which was leading the group. It was the first time I saw her wear a Gold-colored watch.

"Are you complete for the trip?", I asked.

"Yes haha. I need food along the trip though.", she replied.

"Like I've said before, if you need something to eat, I brought biscuits with me haha."

"Thanks. Bianca and Trisha got my back."

I saw two huge busses passing through the street. Assuming that would be our ride towards the place, I waited for the teachers instruction. I took out my journal. I've secretly been writing my experiences in that custom made journal. I wrote down what I expect this day and how I'm gonna survive this day. We went to the bus after a few minutes and I sat with my buddy Brandon. The air was ugghhh. It was going to make me puke. Even the smell of gasoline would satisfy me better than this poorly-scented bus. Great news about the thing, it had no wifi, hurray. Its every 21st century teen's worst nightmare. Too bad Nika was positioned wayyy far from me. Sad life is sad.

~It was half before 8 in the morning so when we started moving, I wasn't able to all asleep. The others were so excited that they were awake since 3 or 4 AM. It is now their opportunity to get that sleep back. It was boringgg. Nothing to do. I tried to imagine what the place would look like. And after that, I went on a little trip on memory lane again.

~Wow, it looks awesome. We stopped by a house. I thought it was the venue but nope. It was still a few blocks away. We moved a bit further and now stopped at the actual location. It was huge. I like it already. It was lunch time, we ate our packed lunches. Good thing Mom gave me food that won't give me stomach problems. Jamie, Chris, Brandon went to the Comfort Room of the place. It took them a while, I wonder what happened. All of a sudden, Chris ran as quickly as he could up the stairs.

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