Chapter four

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Logan's P.O.V

Since we scented each other we can mind-link which is good considering I'm standing in the den of rogue wolves. There were hundreds of them all in one place it's completely different from Nate's pack. The wolves were all together bunched up and not separated.

"Not what you're used to little wolf?" Colin asked smugly in our mind link. "No" I replied and hid behind Jasper who by the way wasn't afraid at all but more interested. The wolves aren't in human form and were sitting in small groups in one bigger group eating stacks of meat.

Chris always said that rogues eat little wolves and I'm a little wolf. Colin roared out to the group of rogues and all of them snarled back and left "where are they going" I asked Colin through our link "they are going to the pack house and getting changed to meet their Luna"

"Our Luna" Jasper stepped in and picked me up by my wolfs scruff and not letting go despite my fidgeting and complaining so that we could get to the location faster. Colin led us to a big house that was conjoined to another big house. What the hell is this, rouges are savages and murderous, aren't they?

We made it to Colin's room and he transformed back naked and so did Jasper. I hid under the bed not wanting to see them.... exposed, at least not yet. "C'mon little wolf" Jasper laughed still naked "you're gonna see it sooner or later". I let out an angry bark and stayed put until I knew they had some god damn pants on.

"You can come out now" Colin teased as I crept out from under the bed only to be picked up by him "look who's exposed now" he taunted. I'm not exposed I'm in wolf form. "Yeah, Logan why are you naked how indecent of you" Jasper laughed at me.

Eventually, Colin lend me some of his clothes and I think he lent jasper clothes too and left the room. I still hid when I got changed, just in case of hidden cameras. "Good, now the both of you can meet the pack" They both started walking ahead and they walk fast. "Wait up" I called out behind them and managed to grab a bit of Colin's sleeve. "Are you and Jasper mates?" I asked, they looked at each other and at the same time said "oh, hell no"

"But since he's your mate he is considered a mate as well but we both just want you" Colin smiled and grabbed my hand. His hand was double the size of mine, no I didn't already feel tiny compared to them.

We walked into a large ballroom and it was full of well-dressed rouges. "Tonight I welcome to the blood moon's pack their Lunar and my other sorta mate," he said gesturing to Jasper "make them feel welcome" They all turned back to what they were doing and Colin, as well as Jasper, walked down the steps to talk with the pack. I awkwardly followed since rogues are wild creatures and completely unpredictable. Colin looked as if he was doing something important and Jasper was having a blast with the others who were chanting chug as Jasper threw back beers.

The looked like a fraternity than a rogue pack. I moved through the crowded until I found someone that fit the definition of rogue. She sat in the corner by herself and she had shaggy messed hair. She looked like she could do some damage. I bravely strode up to her and she looked down at me with zero amusement "can I help you" she said, popping her gum.

She was one of the wolves in the cave that were eating stacks of flesh. "Yes, yes you can" she looked at me like I hit a puppy and then looked at my features more "oh, hey you're that little puffball that couldn't hurt a fly, right?" she let a smile slip on her face and now she seemed more normal than an evil rogue to me.

"What wolf was you eating" I demanded and she burst into a fit of laughter causing everyone to turn and face us. She apologized to the group and they went back to what they were doing.

"What wolf were we eating" she laughed and wiped the mess of her mascara "his name was Bob" she smiled. How can she smile at murdering Bob "what did Bob ever do to you that made you kill him" I started getting angry at her but she kept laughing "yeah we were hungry so I ate him, damn I'm gonna miss that deer" She folded her arms and tried not laugh at my horrid expression "if he was such a dear then why kill him" she shook her head not believing me "he is a deer not a wolf, silly pup. we aren't cannibals" my face fell a dark shade of red I made a fool out of myself "damn pack" I muttered and she heard it "what?" She asked amused

"my old pack said rouges were savages who eat wolves and live in caves only to attack anything that moves" she just kept poking my cheeks whilst saying how cute and gullible I am. "My names Lily" she smiled, I shook her warm hand and returned her smile "Logan" she introduced me to her little group in the pack. They were all goth weirdos but then again really nice people and their music was freaking awesome I've never heard of this Metallica band until now. Me and blade, Lily's little brother bonded by the song 'enter sandman' it was his all-time favorite and my new favorite.

In the time I spent with them I actually forgot they were rogues and we made jokes about it.
"Making friends pet" Colin whispered in my ear making me jump. I didn't expect him to be there and it surprised me "jumpy aren't we" he smirked "time for bed," Jasper said walking into the room and wiggled his brows.

The small group I was with left me alone with the two of them. I didn't want to go to bed especially now that Jasper made it dirty
"I'm not tired" I stated and left the room and entered the kitchen. "Too bad little wolf, it's bedtime" Colin followed me into the kitchen and pulled me into a hug "we are going to bed"

"Okay have a good night the two of you" I smiled and wriggled out of Colin's hold. "Come on Logan" jasper yawned. I put my hands on my hips and stood on top of a chair so I was nearly the same height as them. "No"

The both growled as a warning but I didn't care I'm not sleepy. "Get your butt here" Colin leaped for me but I turned into my little wolf and he missed sending him straight to the floor. He growled at me so I ran into a cramped space between the fridge and the wall and squeezed into the end corner. "Get out from there" Jasper ordered while trying to grab me through the gap. I mind linked them and said "make me a sandwich first minions and don't forget the chocolate milk"

"If we make it do you promise that you'll come out and go to bed" Jasper whined "maybe" they both sighed and left. I heard a lot of rumbling noises until Colin said it was done "I don't trust you, prove it" I mind linked them.

I heard a massive groan come from Jasper. I got tired whilst waiting so I crawled out and the food was made "there eat it and get to bed" Colin growled. I yawned and curled up on the couch "I'm not hungry" I yawned "imma sleep now"

"Are you SERIOUS" Jasper yelled, picking me up to face him and made his eyes shift red. I put my paws on his nose and said "yes" and passed out. They may be my mates and alphas but I'm the Luna and I'm the boss now.

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