Chapter six

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Colin's p.o.v

Why in the hell did he send all of us to the wine cellar. Me of all people fetching wine with this thing he calls a mate. Jasper and I are all he needs so why want that thing. It's a sick pathetic little runt with a giant toosh, if he liked big butts he could of settled for Jasper.

"Just grab a bottle Colin" jasper said annoyed
I stuck my tongue out at him taking my sweet time. Just as we left the cellar we heard a scream "that sounds like Logan" Nate said with panic and bolted out the front door with jasper and I right behind him.

We could smell blood and I was becoming more afraid by the second for my little mate.
We can upon the spot but Logan wasn't there just a corpse of a girl I don't know.

"Logan was here" jasper said stating the obvious, Jasper started smelling the air and completely ignoring the body of the child. It didn't bother me but it did bother Nate.
Nate picked up the body of the child and passed it to Kyle "take her home we will tell her mother later tonight" Kyle nodded and left

"Can you smell him, jasper" I asked, being a lone wolf his sense of smell is better then mine and Nate's "his tracks are covered and Logan was terrified of whatever it was"

Nate picked up some fur on the ground and held it up to jasper "smell it and fetch fleabag"
I snarled at Nate but he smirked until jasper jumped back and grabbed onto me "what is it" I asked wrapping my arms around him.

"It's a savage" his fear was clear and he had a right to be afraid "what, afraid of a little doggie" Nate laughed "yes we are, go find it and save our mate and if you do it on your own without dying you can have Logan to yourself" jasper hit me upside the head "we aren't going to get our mates other mate killed"

"Come on, let's follow the scent" Nate said fed up and walked through the forest "wrong way" jasper shouted to him.

Logan's p.o.v
I woke up in darkness and I had a really bad pain on the left side of my skull. I squinted in the darkness looking for any glimpse of light
and finding some at the end of the tunnel, I was completely alone.

I walked towards the light and I checked my wounds. I thought after facing a savage I'd be dead but in fact I'm bleeding from my scalp and I think I fractured my wrist but that's it.

I cautiously walked towards the source of light, the light was a campfire and whom ever lit it might still be around. I bolted for the caves exit only to be stopped by a pack of savages prowling into the cave. I stepped back quickly only to stumble on my feet and fall on my butt.

The wolf growled and jumped onto of me it was the same wolf and I know it was by its eyes. His scent was hidden under musk and dirt, his pack stood around us and growled like I was a pork chop and they hadn't eaten in weeks.

One by one they turned back into humans, covered in dirt with long beards and yellow teeth "w-who are you" I cowered
"That is none of your concern small wolf and if you don't keep that pretty mouth of yours shut I'll kill you" the man above me smirked.

he has the wrong person because I wouldn't be alive if he didn't want something or someone "welcome to our den my dear extended mate. To the savage clan" he gestured to the other werewolves in the cave. They all cheered and growled which reminded me of cavemen. They all looked horrendous and I felt really uncomfortable having a naked man I top of me and being surrounded by five other males and two females.

"Now that our savage pack has a mate we can stay in human form and not turn back into savages" the pack cheered at their Alpha "w-what do y-you mean" all the savages went quiet and the Alpha wolf leans really close towards me "didn't I say shut up to you" I gulped and bared my throat as an apology, an apology he took.

"I don't understand" I said still afraid. The savage roll his eyes knowing I wasn't going to stay quiet "Well when a lone wolf or rogue kills it's mate they turn into a savage that can't help but kill and mates don't just pop out every second you only get them once in a lifetime and sadly I killed my mate by accident causing me to turn into a savage" he explained, the other wolves nodded

"I recently found out that I had another mate and he too had another mate making me have extended mates which is you and the other two. Now that I have you I'm no longer a savage but a rogue and since I am a rogue my pack will also become rogues". This can't be true, one of my mates is mated to this beast on top of me.

How is this even possible, all my mates are good and this savage is a murderer how can he be a soulmate to one of my mates "why take me and not your mate" I asked even though I'm glad my mate isn't alone with this thing. 

"because if he rejects me we then we have to turn back into savages and plus I could never kill him even if I do become a savage because if a savage ever happens to get a mate his or her bond with the mate is almost painfully strong. For the savage not the mate and it's because we killed our last mate that harming another would kill us just because of the pain it would cause us emotionally"

All the savages looked upset at the mention of harming a mate like it actually caused them physically pain just to think of hurting someone they cared for. "When he does reject me I could always kill you as pay back"  the savage growled with anger "but if you do kill me you'd be killing your mates mate and he would be hurt too" the savage growled realising that I was right.

"But he doesn't know that so I could threaten you and keep you so he would never reject me and harm my pack" he received nods of agreements from the pack "Alpha can we at least play with the tiny thing" one of the betas asked. My heart started to beat faster, what does he mean by play?

"Play, nothing but that" the Alpha warned "if I see you so much as touch him like a mate would, I'll kill you"  the beta nodded. I was the extended mate to the savage Alpha and maybe he will tolerate me like Colin tolerates jasper. Anyway, if I am forced into certain activities with others my mates could sense it and the Alpha knows it would hurt his mate.

The Alpha got off me and I sat up hugging my knees to my chest. They weren't as tall as my mates but the Alpha savage was, maybe even taller.

The beta turned into a wolf and approached my trembling body. I couldn't take my eyes away from the wolf as it got closer to me and I didn't notice the other wolves got closer too. "Don't crowed him" the Alpha said, almost possessively. The beta licked my back to taste me and he seemed happy with whatever the fuck flavour I am.

The other wolves did the same until one started to slowly suckle on my neck. It was weird and not to mention just how gross this all is "mark him and you're a dead wolf" the Alpha roared at the wolf sucking my neck. The pack immediately backed off and I wasn't being tasted anymore.

"We will find my mate in the morning after we groom ourselves and act like civilised people and no one is allowed near my mates mate" they all lowered their head to their Alpha and curled up into balls. Some of them hugged together tightly "I'd advise you to turn into your wolf, it gets chilly at night"

The alpha turns into that big beast and curls up to sleep. The pack was crowding the entrance so there was no way I could escape and they were hogging the fire so there was no way I could keep warm.

I huffed at my luck and turned into my tiny wolf and curled into a ball trying to keep warm but having no luck. I let out a weak whimper as I kneaded myself into my clothes to get some warmth but it didn't really do much. I closed my eyes and hugged my fur tighter until I felt an arm wrap around me.

I looked up to see the savage Alpha wrapping it's arm around me and pulling me into his chest leaving nothing but my nose bare to the nights cold. He looked at me with amusement in his eyes because of what I look like in wolf form.

His fur was actually pretty soft and very friggin warm. I couldn't help but nuzzle closer to the wolf and I was just so tired that my eyes drooped closed even though I tried to fight it but inevitably I fell into a deep sleep.

The Alpha was actually being nice to me and I'm not even his mate. At first he was ruff judging by my fractured wrist and a cut on my scalp along with bruises the stupid Alpha caused but now he was being nicer to me.

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