Chapter eleven

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Logan's p.o.v

I woke up this morning to the warm sunlight hitting my skin. I sat up and stretch my arms out until I heard a crack remembering last night which brought a smile to my face and quickly I looked at my mates marks tattooing my body.

I place my arm on my left shoulder. That's where Jaspers mark will go. My mood instantly fell at the thought of Jasper and him not being with me I hope that he is okay. "He'll be fine Logan and we will get him back" I looked up at Nate who said that "how do you know that he is okay or that we will get him back"

Nate picked me up and walked over to the kitchen "because it's jasper the stubborn lone wolf, he will be fine and we will get him back because you know where the Alpha lives and we will go and grab him" it doesn't sound like a good idea but I do want Jasper back.

"He doesn't need Jasper but he does want him so if we do take jasper back Mordrid will fight back so we need some sort of agreement"
"No agreement" Colin snarled "he is our mate so we shouldn't have to"

"Colin, Mordrid is Jasper's mate as well and our extended mate so we will too come to accept him but we do need an agreement" Colin growled at me and went back to making coffee
"Forget about princess over there and think of a plan Logan" my wolf said

"Um maybe we could build a house between the three packs and live there altogether" I suggested Nate seemed to think about it but Colin shut it down with his Alpha voice "I'm not gonna live with a savage are you bloody insane"

I whimpered at Colin raising his voice at me and he instantly hugged me "sorry Logan" he kissed me on the cheek and pulled me onto his lap "so that settles it" Nate smirked at Colin, Colin tilted his "what?" He asked

"We will live together in a house that is between all three packs. We will go back to the pack house of course but we sleep and have quality time at said home" before Colin could stop Nate he was already on the phone making arrangements for the house to be built.

"Damn you Nathaniel" Colin cursed at Nate "well I'm gonna go shopping" I said and got off Colin's lap "to buy what" he asked and took a sip of his coffee "Schokolade" I smiled "you and your chocolates" Colin smiled at me "do you wanna come with me" I asked "do I have to" I shook my head and put on my shoes "nah"

Seeing as though Colin was still in his pyjamas that he isn't going with me to the shops. I shrugged and pulled a hundred out of his wallet. He probably won't miss it that much.

I got beta Charlie to drive me to the mall he is Colin's right hand wolf. "I'll wait here for you" he told me "no I wanna walk back so you can go" Charlie never really liked me but he did put up with me for Colin's sake.

"Adios" he smirked and drove away" I shrugged and skipped to the nearest chocolate store and began grabbing all the chocolate I could and buying them all. "This is gonna be delicious" my wolf yipped as I stuffed my mouth with chocolates.

I looked like a chipmunk with my cheeks stuffed but i don't care I feel really happy now. "Do you smell that" my wolf asked out of nowhere "ish eigget chchodat" (is it chocolate) I tried to say with my mouth full

"No (sniff) it's (sniff) it's Jasper" I jumped up and looked around the mall and saw Jasper smiling and holding some girls hand. "Is he cheating on us" I asked my wolf and tried not to cry "no, jasper wouldn't do that"

I ran up to jasper and ripped his hand off of the stupid girl "no, my Alpha" I cried and hugged Jasper. "Logan you're here" he smiled and hugged me back leaving the omega confused

"Why you not come back" I cried into his shoulder it's been less than a day and I'm already crying cause i missed him so much

"I didn't want the Alpha to attack you and the others" he told me. I sniffled and wiped my eyes "You are a messy eater Logan" he chuckled so I wiped my chocolatey mouth on his shirt "meh, it belongs to Mordrid anyway"

Emily went to go tug on Jasper's shoulder but I shoved her like I was in kindergarten and she took my favourite toy. "No he is mine and not yours" we were basically the same height which made me more confident in kicking her butt

"Umm Alpha?" She said to Jasper but looking at me "Logan this is Emily my new Omega" Emily smiled a cute ass smile at my Mate " I don't like her." I stomped my foot and crossed my arms "don't pout at me Logan she is a friend" Jasper smiled at my childishness

"Let's go back to the cottage and sort this out, okay Logan?" I looked at the bitch of an omega who is all up in my mate "fine but I still don't like her" I picked up my bag of chocolates and walked beside Jasper.

But jealousy overcame me so I pushed in between them and grabbing hold of Jasper's hand and giving this so called Emily the evil eye.

She just gave me a sad smile and it made me feel bad but Jasper is my mate and she isn't allowed to touch him.

We finally reached the cottage and we were greeted by the pack. Well jasper was greeted  and I was acknowledged and the omega bitch was basically invisible.

Jasper took us into Mordrid's room which was messed up with clothes. "What happens here" I asked "I was looking for clothes" he answers and slumped on the bed "why were you naked" I asked remembering that Jasper was marked meaning he probably did it with Mordrid

"I was having a shower because the butt hole bit me" jasper looked at me "and it seems as though I'm not the okay one with a mark" jasper ran his fingers across Colin's and Nate's mark tattooed on my skin "they're pretty" he smiled and touched his own shoulder that would be were one of us would mark him

"Colin and Nate will mark you Japer and I need you to mark me" he cocked his head to the side "I'll go into a jasper heat if you don't and if that happens and you aren't there to mark me then I'll kinda be dead" jasper put me on the bed and crawled above me "how can you kinda be dead, Logan will you stay the night so we can complete the mating ritual"

I looked at his hopeful eyes "I'll stay but we can't complete the ritual without Colin and Nate biting you too" jasper nodded "I know that but I want you to mark me"

"Should I go" we both looked and saw an awkward Emily standing near the door "no, stay" jasper told her and got off of me. I huffed at jasper and he waved me of like I was some stubborn child "go and get changed" he told her and she went into the bathroom and locked it behind her

As if me or jasper would want to see her nasty ass. "You really don't like her" jasper laughed and took a piece of chocolate out of my bag "no I don't like her i hate her" jasper didn't seem offended by my hate he just continued to eat my chocolate.

He put a piece of chocolate between his lips and looked for more chocolate that he would like to try. I moved closer to jasper but he was focused on the types of chocolate so I kissed him on the lips and ate the half of the chocolate that was sticking out from his lips. "Hey that was mine"

"Actually they were mine" I smiled "actually they were probably Nate's or Colin's because you so did steal from one of them" I put my hand on my chest and act offended "I certainly didn't steal anything I merely borrowed it for the extension of eternity"

jasper shoved me playfully and that Emily chick stepped out with purple skinny jeans and a black shirt "you look good Emily" jasper complimented making her blush

Jasper pinched my cheeks once he noticed my upset face "don't be jealous little wolf" he laughed "well I am so there" I crossed my arms and turned my back to Jasper
"Maybe it would be best if I wait outside" Emily said all innocent and shit

"If you'd like Emily" jasper smiled and she skipped out of the room "what's this really about" jasper asked, pulling me into his lap and wrapping his arms around me

"You could of came home but you went with her and left me alone and and and"  my eyes were filling with tears "please don't cry Logan" jasper asked and put his chin on my head "first, you weren't alone and second she was being neglected so I helped her out and if I came home the Alpha would attack the pack. couldn't bare it if you got hurt" looked up at Jaspers sincere face "I'm not in love with her Logan"

Jasper wiped my tears with his thumb "now be a big boy and help me find the caramel chocolate" I let out a small laugh and grabbed the bag of chocolate and pulled out a caramel chocolate and tossed it to him "there you go fat wolf" Jasper put his hands in his hips "said the guy that bought of a bag of chocolate.

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