Chapter fifteen

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Colin's p.o.v

My father was a cruel man a savage beast where my mother was a Luna of the dark moon pack. She wasn't his mate obviously but he kept her as one. He didn't actually care for her though he'd beat the crap out of her until the Beaty she was known for was unidentifiable.

I was born as an heir for my father he wanted someone to go on a killing spree and become a feared leader long after he was dead but I had dreams of finding my mate and loving them. I didn't like causing pain to anyone. What a stupid thing for a five year old to want.

I was trained by my father he'd make me love an animal and then when I become attached he'd kill it and laugh in my face. He'd starve me so he can eat more and made me watch the beatings he gave my mother when she spoke or asked for something, she mainly asked for me to be fed or clothed nothing more.

He went to far and killed her. He picked her up by her neck after giving her a cruel beating and made me looked. He made me watch him slit my mother's throat with his claws so I would learn a lesson.

He made sure to remind me of how much of an embarrassment she was, how pathetic she was and made me believe it. He engraved the thoughts of her in my brain, pathetic women.

I slowly started to hate my mother for leaving me with this monster, for birthing me into this life. "She is a hooker and nothing more" my father said at every dinner laughing at his dead wife and a worthless excuse of a son "if you find a mate son, kill her" He told me

He told me every time i woke up and every time I went to bed to kill the person I was supposed to love. "Love is weakness" he'd tell me but my mother used to remind me that "love is strength" she told me she only stayed with him because she loved me and I gave her the strength to stay and the strength to stand up for herself. I gave her the strength that got her killed.

Every time I coward or every time I lost a fight he'd say the same thing "you've gone soft boy" he growl "time to harden you up" and he pull me into the basement no matter what my age and take out his cane and beat me with it until I was unconscious.

When I turned seven my father started using me as a punching bag and not just hitting me as punishment. I was a skinny boy and he was a strong built man and not only that he was a savage one of the strongest wolves out there. Attacking me until I was unconscious or in a coma.

We were being hunted when I was sixteen by the hybrid savages who killed the savages. Father hid me and told me to remember everything that he has ever taught me and a killer I should be. He said if he didn't return in twenty four hours he'd be dead.

He leaded the hybrids away and obviously since hybrids are extinct along with vampires there was nothing that can stop the savages any more and as far as I know, dads pack is the last of the savages and he is coming back for me.

I was alone, a rouge until I found a rogue pack with a cunt of an Alpha "look it's a pup rouge all alone" he mocked me as he shoved me to the ground. He reminded me of my father and I hate my father. I stood there in the rouge circle as the Alpha danced around me testing my patience.

I had enough and I pulled his heart out of his chest. The pack loved their Alpha but love is weakness.
"LISTEN UP BECAUSE I WONT TELL YOU AGAIN" I yelled at the pack of rogues "I AM YOUR ALPHA AND YOU WILL FOLLOW ME OR DIE" I yelled they growled at me but slowly accepted the fact that they needed a ruler because they were weaker alone

We stole from villages and homes we killed and slaughtered families and packs taking their belongings until I lost my path and landed in a small lake in the forest. The light made the water seem to be glowing a bright blue the was falling from a water fall

 The light made the water seem to be glowing a bright blue the was falling from a water fall

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I don't remember the last time I saw anything so beautiful. The water flowed brighter as a lady walked out, she was gorgeous and mesmerising I couldn't look away "hello my son" she greeted me walking towards me and leaving a wet trail behind her

"My son it's okay" she whispered "nothing will ever be okay I'm destroyed I have no soul anymore" I growled at her trying to attack her but missed as my claws went right through her
"I thought you hated your father" she said smugly and danced gracefully on top of the water " I do hate him" I told her with anger "then why do you want to become him, I see you're well on your way"  she glowed and lit up the trees as she danced to the wind

"You did this to me, you left and you died I became what I was born to be" I yelled trying not to break down. I did miss my mum so much but I wasn't weak. Crying is for the weak

"My sweet baby boy, no one is born to be evil it's the events that took place moulding them into such a beast" she caressed my cheek and I shivered from how cold she was "mum can you fix me" I pleaded

"No son, but I can tell you a story" she told me about what a mate is and she taught me what love was. She defined what was weak and cowardly to what was strong. A strong man would work for his money no matter how hard the work may be and a weak one would rob a store killing people and finding a weak way out. A strong man would speak the truth of he ever did something wrong and a weaker one would lie.

I spent the night listening to her. It was hard at first but with time I got the hang of it and became a better man, a better Alpha. We grew our own food and became a community. Then I stumbled across a little puppy sleeping in the woods and I knew I found my mate.

I would tell him about my growth and how I'd take care of him no matter what. Imagine my surprise when he ran away, I was devastated at first until I came to realise he had other mates that soon became mine as well and I was in love. We United the pack and I had everything going my way. I had no more pain or anger I was happy until my mates were attacked.

I pushed the savage off of The other one that was protecting my mates only to realise it was my father trying to kill my mates "Dad" I whispered as he ran away with a wicked grin telling me he wasn't going to stop.

Just like that my world became darker and as Jasper spoke a few words that he spoke i was back to square one. I was angry and scared but I couldn't stop the voice in the back of my head

Tell me Colin what makes a weak man.
I know you aren't weak my sweet child.

I have to kill him, I have to kill my father and protect my life. Jasper, Nate, Logan and now Mordrid are my life. My pack and their pack are my life now and I would rather die than let him take it from me.

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