Chapter eight

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A/n I will be putting pictures or songs above from now on. ^^^^ The songs are unrelated to the story I just like these songs and maybe you will too.

Jasper p.o.v

Stupid extended mates and their lousy packs. Our mate could be hurt and they want to go back, no.

This is not happening and I don't need them anyway. I've been a lone wolf for a long time so screw them because all I need is Logan and not some dumb pack. "We need to go back and talk with our other mates, not blindly step through mud looking for our little mate without any clue of where he might be"

I ignored my wolf and kept walking until I smelt him. Ha ha I can smell my mate, who's the stupid prick now wolfie, you are!

I ran to the small cottage and burst through the door ready to kill the savages but what I saw were wolves in human form but they all smell like savages to me. "What is your business here lonely mutt" a wolf snarled at me from the dining table "where is he" I growled back and they all looked at each other wide eyed.

I shook them off and followed the smell of Logan. His scent lead me to a door in which I happily kicked down and what I saw enraged me. This big Alpha was hovering above my vulnerable little mate.

"Calm down a minute jasper I think he might be...." My wolf began only to be cut off by my growl. The Alpha got off my mate and stood up looking guilty. "Logan, are you hurt" I asked him with my eyes dead set on the Alpha.

"My head and wrist hurt a little but I'm okay" Logan said as if he didn't give a crap that he was kidnapped by savages, he doesn't have Stockholm syndrome does he?

"I...I uh..." The Alpha stammered at me, huh he must be afraid of me. I kept my guard up and made my way to my little mate and picked him up. Logan nuzzled into my chest making me feel a deep amount of happiness and relief.

"Listen" the Alpha asked and out his filthy hand on my shoulder. "Don't you dare touch me you filthy savage" I growled. His eyes showed hurt but he covered it up quickly "you aren't leaving here with him" the Alpha warned

"Jasper only hates you because you killed the little girl and a savage killed his entire pack and took his ability to make more wolves" Logan informed the blood thirsty creature. "Why would you tell that monster any information" I said gripping Logan tighter to me.

"Because you're my mate" he must be joking "well then I rejec..." Before I finished the Alpha let out a deep growl "you reject me then I'll kill your mates" he threatened and grabbed Logan out of my hands and threw him on the bed.

I went after him only to be slammed against the wall of the room with the savages hand around my throat "I'll turn back into a savage and I'll have no control if you reject me my darling mate" the savage grasp on my throat was tightening by the second

"I can't be that monster again and kill innocent people, do you understand" he said with desperation. I couldn't say anything back because my air was being cut off and I was on the verge of passing out "Mordrid you're killing him" Logan screamed in fear

Mordrid immediately let go of me and I fell to the ground gasping for air and holding my bruised neck. "Jasper I'm so sorry" he said with fear, moving to hold me "don't touch me" I gritted with hate "I won't reject you but I'll always hate you" I hissed at the savage I front of me.

The Alpha took a few steps back allowing my little mate to jump into my arms "are you okay Jasper" he asked me, full of worry "I've been better" the Alpha looked down at me on the floor for a few seconds before leaving the room and locking it behind him.

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