Chapter twenty

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Colin's p.o.v
The savage attacked Nate and Jasper after my father knocked out Mordrid. "Logan, run" Jasper shouted. Logan was going to go help jasper put I had to pull him back when my father started prowling us.

We ended up outside of the house, I pushed Logan behind me incase my father decides to take a leap for him. "Come on boy I'll kill you like your bitch of a mother" He taunted turning into his wolf form and walked around us in a circle and every few second he take a testing Bite towards us that I kept dodging.

"Colin" Logan cried, gripping the back of my jacket "stay behind me Logan" I ordered him. My father pounced and I shoved Logan to the side as the Alpha landed above me.

"Any last words" my dad teased pressing his large paw against my skull. "Just one, have you always had bad breath" I smirked the Savage grabbed my shoulder with its teeth and sunk it's fangs into my shoulder.

It hurt so much that I couldn't even scream "Don't hurt him" Logan cried out like a child.
"Who's going to stop me" the Alpha teased and bit down on my ankle until he heard a crack.

Logan didn't speak he just glared between me and my father "you hurt our mate" he said quietly "c'mon boy speak up. I hate mumbling" my father said with impatience. "You HURT OUR MATES" Logan's eyes turned blood red, I was taken back at how aggressive and protective Logan got.

His bones cracked and popped setting into a giant wolf form. He was bigger than the savage. He circled my father as if he were prey and if my father was smart he'd be running. "You don't scare me mutt" he roared and swiped his claws and Logan's snout.

Logan dodge the swipe and bit off my father's arm like it was a marshmallow. It was so fast and kinda scary seeing Logan tear into my father like he was nothing but mush.

When my father stopped moving Logan transformed back into himself and fell to the ground. I ran over to him and pulled him into my arms, he looked exhausted turning into a giant wolf probably drained him off all his energy. "Colin, don't leave" he clung to my shirt and before he could say anymore he passed out.

"Are you guys okay" Nate shouted and ran up to me. He skid on his knees and pulled Logan into his Lap "he'll be fine" I affirmed and stood up "are you leaving" he asked me with puppy eyes. I couldn't bring myself to answer him so I did the asshole thing and I walked away into the forest.

I kept walking until my feet gave out from under me and by coincidence I lay near the river where I saw my mother. I was bleeding out from my shoulder, best to end it now then hurt my mates anymore. I trodden down into the river and let the water take me to where ever and maybe I'll be at peace with my mother.

The river was cold and I could feel the rocks scrape against my skin. Everything was quiet as the water flooded my ears and the stream took my body and flowing calmly along. My blood leaving a trail of red in the water as my shoulder started to stop bleeding because of the cold constricting my muscles. If bleeding to death won't kill me then the cold will.

I closed my eyes and when I opened them I was in a different place and uninjured or wet. "Where am I" I asked to no one. I sat up from the grass covered with different colours of vibrant flowers. "My boy don't do this" a voice echoed through the leaves "mum"I whispered, looking around for her.

"Get up sweetie and go get your mates" her voice bloomed around me "aren't I dead. I'll just end up getting them killed anyway. I'm just a monster mother and I'll be damned before I hurt my mates again" I continued to look through the leaves and bushes of the forest I was in and no one was there.

"Son, they need you. They love you, baby you aren't a monster. You are my baby boy and you have a good heart so go back and love your mates because right now you are only causing them unnecessary pain" her words echoed and I felt tired. My eyes closed and when I opened them a huge wave of water crashed against my face causing me to choke.

I tread the water looking for shore and swam. I turned into my wolf and ran back home "My mates need me"

Logan's p.o.v

The last thing I remember was passing out in Colin's arms and I didn't mean to pass out because that means he left. I tried to stay awake to make sure he wouldn't leave me but unfortunately I now wake alone in my dark bedroom.

I can smell soup being cooked from down stairs and hear drinks being poured. I can hear my mates chatter and smell their presence but I can't hear or smell Colin. I fell asleep and now he is gone. I can't believe my mates just let him go. "I'll go wake up Logan" Jasper told the others and walked up stairs to my room.

He gave the door a little knock before entering.
"I know your awake Bigger mate" he joked. If I wasn't so upset I would of laughed but instead I turned on my side "come on Logan I made your favourite Chinese noodle soup" he informed and went to look me in the eyes but I rolled over onto my other side.

"M'not hungry" I muttered and pulled my blanket over my head "come back when Colin is home" Jasper sighed "we can't keep him hostage Logan and maybe it's best if he found himself before he came back" I shook my head at jasper

"Colin should be here and not finding himself. I'm his mate, I'm his other half. We all are, we are right here so where is he" I sniffled signalling Jasper I was crying. "Oh Logan" he said in defeat and pulled me into a hug rubbing my back.

"He will be back" Jasper promised me and I had enough. I stood up and put on my jacket, beanie, scarf and shoes "wear are you going" Jasper asked. "I'm going to beat some sense into Colin" I announced and stepped outside into the pouring rain. Damn it was cold outside I hope Colin is somewhere dry.

I ran out into the cold before my mates could stop me and my fingers and cheeks felt frozen as I ran back to the Alpha cottage. "COLIN" I called out for him but I didn't receive an answer. The dirt was letting of a fragrance as well as the trees and I couldn't smell Colin through all the wet nature.

I closed my eyes and tried to feel him and I got a sense of direction and followed it. My legs were shaking and my teeth are chattering as I pushed against the strong cold wind and rain.

"Please be inside Colin" I said to myself once I came to a stop by a tree. I sniffed the air and I could detect my mate. I called for him until I heard a faint murmur. My eyes followed the direction of the noise to Colin laying under a tree "COLIN" I called out to him, I ran up to him and he wasn't replying. I turned Colin over and his face was pale and lips were slightly blue.

His skin was so cold and if I didn't hear him breathe or hear his heartbeat I would of thought he was dead. I took of my beanie and placed it on his head and wrapped my scarf around his neck. "Warm him up quickly" my wolf told me as I started taking off my layers of clothes and putting them on him. It is really cold I felt frozen.

I picked up Colin and held him close to my chest trying to share some body heat whilst I was walking back home. I was in a thin shirt and with skinny jeans and sneakers on. It wasn't much cover especially when snow started falling.

"Are you for real" I shouted to the sky and muttered some curses under my breath. I didn't think I'd make it until I saw the bright light of my mates home. Jasper and Nate ran out from the house. Nate grabbed Colin from my arms and Jasper picked me up into his and ran back into the house and placed the both of us near the fireplace.

"You could've gotten killed" Jasper shouted at me whilst running around the house and grabbing blankets and throwing them on top of Colin and I "if i didn't go then Colin would've been dead" that shut him up

Nate brought some hot chocolate and handed me a cup and leaving Colin one on the coffee table. Mordrid was passed out upstairs because he hit his head pretty hard a few hours ago but luckily he will be okay.

Nate hugged Colin in his arms and Jasper held me in his as they both tried to warn Colin and me up. "Don't do that again" Jasper warned and covered me in kisses.

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