Section 1, Chapter 2

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Isis's head felt like it was melting. She put a hand to her head. Troy grabbed her hand. "What is wrong?!"

Kassie felt scared. "MAMA! Mama, please get down here!"

Troy picked up Isis bridal style and walked over to sit on the couch. "Kacey, go get a wet towel now. She is burning up"

Kacey nodded and ran to the kitchen. "Isis, blink once if you can hear us" Kassie demanded.

Isis blinked once. "She is just getting hotter and more pale" Troy pointed out.

A woman came running downstairs. "Ok who is hurt?!"

"Something is wrong with Isis mama! She just started falling sick!"

The woman walked over and looked at Isis. "Troy I need you to lay her down then go call Kena-"

"I am not leaving her" Troy interrupted.

The woman glared. "You will lay her down and go call Kena! Right now she needs your help, not your resistance!"

Troy stood up and laid Isis on the couch. He then turned and walked to the den. Isis turned and fell a sleep. Kacey came back out and put a towel on Isis. The woman looked at the twins. "Ok so no one just suddenly becomes sick so what were you guys doing?"

"Troy showed her a picture of them before they moved" Kassie said.

The woman grew angry. "Kena warned everyone that we had to be careful!"

Kacey glared back. "We are not gonna lie to her mama! She needs someone to trust!"

The woman calmed down. "I know you girls and Troy felt you were doing right but the doctor gave that advice for a reason. You are forcing her memories and it is making her sick"

Troy came back in. "Kena said she would send Stella over. She said for now just let Isis rest and try to get the fever down. She also said she will let Blaze know what is going on"

The woman smiled. "Thank you son. Look your father is gonna be home soon and you two still haven't cleaned the garage like you promised"

"Aww mama, do we have to do it today? Isis just got here" Kassie whined.

The woman raised an eyebrow. "You will do it today since Aunt Dessin is coming and will be taking some stuff"

The twins groaned and left the room. The woman looked at Troy. "I want you to change this towel every twenty to thirty minutes. It the fever won't go down then try to get some motrin down her."

"Alright Mrs. Kate"

"Excuse me?"

Troy smiled. "I mean mom"

Kate nodded. "I need to go start supper. God help us all when Dessin comes."

Kate patted Isis's arm then went to the kitchen. Troy kissed Isis's hand and looked at the clock. Time was moving so slow.


Troy looked up as Stella came in. "I call an hour and a half ago!"

Stella put her hand on her hip. "Otto had to do a delivery and needed back up since Lara was not there. You still owe me a date"

"You took back that favor. Now will you look at her?"

Stella sighed. "Why did I ever become a teenage doctor?"

She moved forward and felt Isis's head. "Looks like you got the fever down. Did you guys give her any medicine?"

"I gave her some motrin about thirty minutes ago."

Stella nodded then checked Isis's pulse and took a sample of her blood. "Her heart beat is normal. She seems to be calming down now I just wonder how she will be when she wakes up. I am curious to why this made her so sick"

"This doesn't happen often?"

"This doesn't happen at all or at least that I have heard. If one is regaining memories or at least have something shown then their heads may hurt but thats it"

Troy's eyes widened. "You say this isn't normal?!"

Stella threw her hands up. "I am still in training but I don't believe this is normal. I can stay here for now to help try to keep things stable but my mom is gonna have to do a full check up"

"Can't Jane or Lara do anything?"

"Jane only handles humans and Lara is obstetrician. And before you say it, Mara is only in her first year of training to be an intensivist"

"Isis is human!"

Stella's gasped. "She is not human. I may not be a full trained doctor but her blood is no where near human"

Kate came out. "Calm down you two. I can hear you in the kitchen and we don't want to wake Isis up"

"Stella says Isis isn't human.."

Kate looked at Stella. "What do you mean not human? Her parents were human"

"I can take a sample back to the hospital to see what comes up but her blood is not human. Each being's blood has a finger print in it. Looking at the sample I have now, it does not have the human blood print"

Kate looked at the sample. "How is this not human blood?"

Stella thought for a moment. "Ok I work with Jane a lot and I know the human blood print pretty well. I also know a few being's prints. I don't recognize this one."

Kate crossed her arms and Stella groaned. "Not explaining well, ok so what would happen if you tried to enter a locked room that could only take Troy's hand prints?"

Troy shook his head. "She wouldn't be able to enter"

"Right so if I put this blood in a human scanner it wouldn't go through because the print is different. All blood has a print" Stella tried.

Kate nodded. "Then I ask that you can test that blood for us."

Stella nodded. "I can head to the hospital now but someone has to be on constant watch of Isis. We need to make sure the fever don't sky rocket to the death point."

Kate looked at Isis. "One of the girls can take over for now. Troy I want you to eat and get at least two hours of sleep. We will all have to work to keep watch."

"What about Blaze?"

Stella looked at the clock. "She said she will come once everything gets unloaded. She is gonna see if her mom can come quicker but she has doubts"

Troy scoffed. "Sheree doesn't give a crap"

Kate sighed. "Ok so Troy go get one of the girls to get a plate and come in here. Then you and the other one eat in the kitchen while I call Gavin to see where his sorry butt is. Stella do you want to take a plate with you?"

Stella raised a hand. "Don't worry about it. Mom keeps prepared dinners at the hospital for us. Either mom or me will be back to check in or give the results. If you need us to keep a watch then please lets us know ahead of time"

"Very well. Thank you for everything."

Troy went into the kitchen while Stella left. Kate sighed and sat on the floor. "Wake up Isis"


Kacey was not happy getting stuck with the late night watch. She would do it for Isis but it didn't mean she had to like it. She started to doze when she heard a groan.

She looked to see Isis squeezing her eyes like she was in pain. Kacey's eyes widened. She felt Isis head and screamed. Isis was so hot.

She soaked a towel and threw it on Isis. "MAMA!!!"

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