Section 1, Chapter 8

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I know I am behind. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

Sheree stood up and walked to Isis. "So daughter. What were you doing with that boy?"

Isis bit her lip. Nothing would come to mind. "ISIS!" A voice screamed.

Isis and Sheree looked to see Kate running to them. "Have you seen the girls? They told me they were taking to Talin but I didn't think they would leave you!"

Isis's eyes widened. Sheree stepped forward and crossed her arms over chest. "Well they did and she came back with Troy!"

Kate shook her head. "I will personally talk to them. Troy was suppose to be helping at the pie shop so I don't know how he got to leave. Let me take care of everything"

Sheree nodded. "Thank you Kate. Come Isis. Brasilian has already started dinner"

Isis nodded. Sheree walked inside. Isis let out a quick thank you then ran inside. Kate frowned. She turned and walked back to her house. Gavin slammed the door open and pulled her in his arms. "Where the hell were you?!"

"I had to go save Isis. Let's go inside and then I will explain everything."

They walked inside and sat down. "Sheree is back. She saw Isis with Troy. I had to save her. I told Sheree that the girls took Isis to Talin and must have left her there. Troy was suppose to work at the pie shop so I didn't know why he got to leave." Kate explained.

Gavin's eyes widened. "Why is she back early?"

"I have no idea. I know we planned for it but I didn't think she would come early. Blaze seem to know because Sheree said she was inside cooking dinner. We need to get a case together before Sheree does anything to them"

"I don't think she will hurt them. She more focused on keeping everyone away from them. She didn't even like the twins around them but she really didn't care as much because of Troy."

"Why does she hate him so much? That boy has been through so much and she adds on to it."

"I will call Dessin to come back. We need to get Sheree put away."


Isis took a bite of her food and looked at Blaze. Blaze looked at her then the table. Sheree laid her fork down. "So girls. How does it feel being back in your home?"

Isis wiped her mouth. "It feels good mama. I have enjoyed meeting back up with the twins."

"I have been trying to find someone to marry. I am tired of being called an old maid.." Blaze grumbled.

Sheree laughed. "You will get there Basilian. Your father was my fourth boy I believe"

"But you were eighteen when you met daddy! I am twenty four!"

"I didn't marry your father till I was twenty seven though. We had you when we were twenty five but didn't marry till two years later."

Blaze and Isis looked at each other then started to eat. Sheree took a bite. "Now girls, I am gonna head to Talin tomorrow. I am gonna see if I can talk to Lena about my old job. You two also need to find jobs. While we may not have to pay for the house, I can't pay for all three of us to eat or buy new things."

"I am gonna see about being a tutor for the schools. Kena was telling me they are loosing tutors" Blaze broke in.

"Isis? What is your plan?"

"I asked Kena what she would need and she suggested being the receptionist for the hospital. She said the last one got promoted to manager of the retirement level so she has been trying to find a new employee. She said I could start training as soon as I want"

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