Section 1, Chapter 10

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Ok this is the last chapter for this section. I finally got this one done! Next is Section two...

Sheree closed her eyes. "I never killed my husband or son. I loved them very much"

Simon nodded. "Very well. Can you tell the court what happened the day you found Drake's body?"

Sheree's eyes widened. "I had gone shopping for school supplies since school was starting again. Trevor went to his summer class and the girls were spending the day with their friends. I came home to see Drake dead on the floor. I started to scream and ran to get help."

"Did you ever find what killed him?"

"I was told he had a heart attack"

"Very well and what happened to Trevor?"

Sheree took a tissue and dabbed it to her eyes. "He got to the age where we let the young take a trip to the real world. Every kid gets the choice to go and he wanted to. I got a letter about two months later saying he had been killed in a car accident."

"Do you have this letter with you?"

Sheree reached in her pocket and pulled out a paper. She handed to Simon. Simon opened it. "Now I will read this out loud for the court. Dear Mrs. Hampton. We regret to inform you that your son Trevor Hampton was found injured in a car crash. We took him to a hospital which he passed away a few minutes later. We are sorry to give you this information like this."

Everyone was deadly quiet and Simon smiled a little. "So explain how this grieving woman could kill those who she deeply loved. No more questions your honor"

Simon sat down. Karen shook her head and stood up. " Miss Hampton, you claim you recieved a letter about Trevor's death. Why couldn't they see you in person?"

"I have no idea. That was just how I recieved the news."

"Really? The reason I am asking is because only armies are allowed to let the loved ones know of death by letter. Police, no matter where they are, are required to go to the loved ones house. Who sent you that letter?"

"I am not sure. I only recieved it in the mail and their was no name or return address."

"Ok. So lets switch topics here for a moment. I want to know if you had any relationships after Drake passed."

"Never! I loved my husband way to much."

Dessin stood and handed a paper to Karen. She went and sat back down. Karen nodded. "So can you please read this to the court?"

She laid the paper on the stand. Sheree glared at her then looked at the paper. "It has been a week without you and I miss you. I need you to warm my bed Gregory.."

"Is that all you are willing to read?"

Sheree nodded. Karen picked the paper up. "Ok so I will read what Gregory replied. I miss you too but we have our children and reputations to consider. I am not willing to hurt my boy than he has already been hurt."

"So what?"

"Can you tell me who this little boy was?"

"Gregory never told me about his boy. We only spoke that we had kids. We were both single so we talked."

Karen smirked. "Then explain this email. It has been months and we are no where closer being together. Your boy Troy also seems to like my little Isis. I don't want this to end us. Please keep him away"

"I never wrote that!"

"So this isn't your email address?"

"It is but I didn't write that email!

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