2.15. These Two Lovers

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I open the door to find Daniel sitting in the center of the bed, surrounded by papers, books, and loose sheets of paper filled with notes. He's wearing thick rimmed glasses I've never seen him wear before, but he slips them off as we enter, as if the glasses were supposed to be a secret. As if being farsighted were a crime.

The first few buttons of his black shirt are undone, exposing his bony collar, and the sight of his caramel skin makes me want to shrink beneath his buttons and hide there. At least I know I'm safe there.

"What's going on? Isla, what happened?" Daniel's face is wide with confusion and fear.

What must he be thinking? I can only imagine. "What has Isla done now? What are they going to do to her?"

"Isla was attacked by one of the other Comforters in the bathroom," Dr. Wilkes says, leading me into the room. Nina shuts the door behind us with my dress in her arms. "I am bringing her back here due to safety concerns. It's better this way," Dr. Wilkes explains.

Daniel pushes his papers and books away from him and leaps off the bed. He throws his arms around me, and pulls me into him. "Can't you just be normal?" he whispers into my hair.

I smile. The books, the papers, the playful jabbing comment: It all reminds me of our old life.

"I'm trying," I whisper back.

"She may have a concussion," Dr. Wilkes says, and we separate to face him. "So I will return later on to check on her. At around midnight."

"Why midnight?" Nina asks, and I'm sure I can hear her heart beating from the space between her lips.

"At around midnight the drones start buzzing up here. I am usually still in my office. I like to work late... with the door open, so the drones don't get suspicious. I'm not stupid. I began to notice a pattern. You girls are up to something."

"Nonsense," Nina laughs, but Joe gives her an all-knowing look. Nina shifts her weight. "So... what are you going to do?" she asks.

"Nothing. I'd just like to know exactly what I am lying to Gunther Quail about."

"Lying?" she asks.

"He lied for me this morning," I say. "He told Gunther I was sick last night, because he was suspicious."

"Thanks, Joe," Daniel says, his tone hinting at disbelief.

"Don't mention it. Just let me in on what's going on at midnight."

Nina and I examine each other's faces, both of us unsure of what to do or say next. I stall. "First show me your arms," I say.

He rolls up the sleeves of his white coat, and shows me he is still human, so I decide to tell him. Not because I trust him—I still have no idea what to think—but because he hasn't shown me any reason I shouldn't trust him yet. In this world, that's the best I can hope for anymore.

"We are going to escape," I say. "The girls have collected enough equipment for a lab down there. We are meeting tonight to get a plan down before we leave."

I take a breath and as I exhale, it seems like time expands. I wait for Dr. Wilkes to react for what feels like an infinity. A twitch or smile or frown or anything, but nothing comes in the eternity between my heart beats.

"So... that's it," I say, and find myself curling into the curve of Daniel's arm for support.

"You don't have any plans yet?" he asks, and I can't tell if he's investigating for a future report or if he's genuinely interested.

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