3.26. Precedent

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Mom finishes explaining the situation between Daniel and Winston to the other leaders, and I bite my tongue so I don't blurt out my opinion. I want to hear what the others think, if they agree. I tell myself it's because I'm learning to be more of a team player with my leadership, but I know it's just my brain second guessing itself.

"What are we going to do to set a precedent?" Dr. Guzman asks. "The fighting amongst ourselves has to stop."

"We keep Daniel and Winston in the cells," General Kazemi says, "and they don't come with us to Virginia. Keeping them detained will show the others that we are serious about fighting, and not bringing them to the frontlines is just simply the best call. We can't afford any conflict during battle."

Yes, I think, and I actually catch myself breathing a sigh of relief. Mom looks at me. "You agree, Isla?" she asks.

I nod. "I do."

"Me too," Jacob adds. "That will show my men that the Deathless are serious. Besides, Daniel is only seventeen."

"Isla is only seventeen too. Can we ask that she stay back?" Mom asks. There's hope in her voice, and though I should have seen this coming—though I should have guessed she would suggest this to the others when she asked if I wanted to sit this meeting out—I'm surprised by her question. I've been fighting since the beginning, and though I never wanted to in the first place, I'm too involved now to not finish it.

"Unfortunately, we need Isla with us," General Kazemi says.

"Why?" Mom asks.

"Because there is an entire unit of soldiers who follow her orders. 'Isla's Army' will not fight for anyone but Isla." General Kazemi peers at me. "You should feel lucky to have a group of people so loyal to you."

"What about Daniel's plan? To split up and attack Gunther on multiple fronts?" Declan asks.

"I don't see why we won't follow through with the plan," the General replies, "but we will replace Daniel with someone else. He is not a leader, so that should not be difficult."

Jacob presses his palms to the table and stands. "So it's settled, then? Daniel and the man he injured remain here in custody. Teresa and the remaining rubble sweepers and Deathless can care for them."

Dr. Guzman nods. "Originals too."

"That's fine with me," Declan says.

Mom moves her hand over the table, smearing oil marks from her palm on the waxed tabletop. I can tell she's not happy with the outcome—she wanted me to stay back—but at least one of us got what we wanted. At least I know now that Daniel will survive.

"Meeting adjourned," Mom says reluctantly. I slide my chair back to stand up. "Not you," she tells me."

As I relax back into my chair, preparing myself for a lecture, Eleanor throws open the door.

"What the hell, Bea? Why is Daniel in the detention center?"

Joe wheels himself in after her, and we meet each other's looks of desperation.

"Eleanor, I had to," Mom says. "He beat Winston unconscious."

Now is my chance to sneak away.

"You should have called me the second this happened," Eleanor argues, coming closer to Mom. I slip away while they are both distracted and hurry out of the room with the other leaders toward Joe.

"I heard what Daniel did," he whispers, though the others are continuing down the hall to finish preparing the Immortal for Hellhole and Mom and Eleanor are arguing too loudly to hear us. "I want you to tell me about Daniel's behavior since the estate. Tell me everything."

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