5. Lies and realisations

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I watch as Gregory's eyes bulge. He stumbles backwards and falls into a chair behind him. I totally understand his reaction. I mean, I would have reacted the same way if a female told me they had been circumcised.

Do you know what makes this almost funny? I say almost funny because it really isn't that funny. Female circumcision is something I learnt in my final year of school. I had to give an oral presentation to the entire class, which had more males than females. It was the most embarrassing assignment I was ever given.

Never did I realise it would be useful in later life.

Really, Teresa, could you have thought of something other than that?

Well, sue me, I can't really do much about it. I need a way out. I am not having sex with Gregory and that's final. I will save myself for that one special person if it's the last thing I do. Perhaps if I play this right, it will get me out of this marriage.

"Circumcised?" Gregory finally manages to find his voice. His face has turned pale. "How is that even possible? I thought they only did that to boys."

"Usually, yes, but in some countries they do it to females too."

"How?" Despite the shock, Gregory looks genuinely intrigued.

Oh god this is really awkward. I shrug then rub my nose nervously. Clearing my throat I say, "Well, they sort of remove certain bits then stitch up and..."

I trail off and clear my throat again. This is a nightmare. Gregory looks shell shocked and he's holding his hands up to stop me from talking.

My face is burning from humiliation. This is worse than my presentation! At least the boys in my class were eager to learn about it.

"I thought you were Australian?" Gregory asks weakly.

"I am," I say, which is the truth. "But you see, Mum went on a holiday to Africa when I was a baby. Obviously she took me with her. It just so happened she visited one of the parts of Africa that circumcised girls. One night they snuck into her room and kidnapped me."

Wow, I make up really good stories! As I check out Gregory's face, I can see he's falling hook, line and sinker for this it.

Continuing I say, "When she awoke and found I was gone, she freaked. It was easy to find me apparently. Where we were staying, there was a place only a little way away that did the circumcisions. She found me in a bloody mess, screaming hysterically. But it was too late."

Wow what a twisted story. I didn't think anyone would fall for such a story, especially Gregory. He's an intelligent person. Then again, to someone who doesn't know much, if anything, about female circumcision, it would be entirely believable.

Okay, I need to focus and get a plan in action. My aim is to get rid of Gregory, right? Then once that's done, I can work out who I can marry quickly to get my fix. So the question is: how do I get rid of Gregory?

One thing is certain. Gregory will never know the truth. You see, if a woman really was circumcised, an operation would allow a couple to have sex. He would have me at the hospital in a heartbeat. Then what excuse would I have? Besides, it would make it very tricky to get rid of him. No, I must stick to my story.

Gregory scratches the back of his head nervously. "So we can't do anything?"


Whoops! That came out a little too cheery. I quickly put on my best solemn face and look away. Now is the time to cry. It will really add to the moment. Unfortunately I can't act to save my life. Then again, I don't need to be able to act, I just need to be convincing. A few tears would definitely help though. How can I make myself cry?

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