20. Breathless

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Dedicated to @swiftylover23 for her amazing support <3

Hiya! Yes I'm updating again. It's a miracle when I can update 'Always the Bride' twice in one week. :) In this chapter you'll get to know Julian a little more. Happy reading!


It’s the sound of traffic that finally snaps me out of my breakdown. I don’t even know where I am, all I know is that it’s a busy road. There aren’t many people on the footpath but those that are either walk past without paying me any attention or look at me like I’m a homeless person.

I know I should move and try to find my way back but I don’t have the energy. With a deep sigh, I rest my head on the brick wall behind me and close my eyes again. One part of me is glad to have spoken to Marcus at long last but the other part wishes I had left it alone. I feel even more miserable now. Maybe I just need time.

“Are you okay?” a voice asks.

Slowly I open my eyes and stare blankly at the figure in front of me. I can’t really make out the face but the silhouette is tall and lanky.

“I’m fine,” I snap. My voice sounds hoarse from crying.

The person crouches down in front of me and when his face comes into the light I groan and turn away. Of course it has to be Julian.

“Not you again,” I say. The moment the words have been spoken I turn to look at him and slap my hand to my mouth in shock. Goddammit I’ve got a bad habit of being rude to him. “I’m so sorry, that was uncalled for.”

He smiles. “That’s fine, I suppose we haven’t really met in the best circumstances before now.”

“Now’s no different, I’m afraid.”

“Do you want to talk about it?” His face is etched with concern.

I look at him curiously. What is it about him? He doesn’t know me yet he’s showing concern even though I’ve fobbed him off twice.

Seeing his concern gives me an overwhelming desire to confess everything. About Marcus, about Gregory, about the addiction…everything. Knowing that is one thing I can’t do, I just shake my head in response to his question. “No, not really. I think I just want to go home. But there is a slight problem with that. I have no idea where the pub is from here.”

Julian chuckles then stands up and holds his hand out to me. “How about I walk you back?”

I accept his outstretched hand and he lifts me to my feet. Despite my emotional breakdown, I can’t ignore the bolt of electricity that shoots up my arm. Once I’m steady on my feet, our eyes meet for a moment. The first thing I notice is the pain in his and I instantly know this man has a history. Yet apart from that, they say so much more about him. There’s a genuineness in them and a kindness some people just don’t have.

“Thank you,” I finally say, tearing my eyes away from him, “I’d appreciate that, if it’s not too much hassle.”

“Nothing’s a hassle for you, Kylie.”

I look across at him and he gives me a small smile. What does he mean? Is he hinting that he’s interested in me? Remembering our time at the park, he doesn’t seem overly familiar with women and dating so I don’t know if I’m reading too much into it. I will never forget the petrified look he had when he tried to mend our flopped meeting. It was like he was taking a large leap of faith.

“Thank you,” I finally say as we walk away. Then remembering what he called me, I decide it’s now or never. I need to clear the air. “Uh, Julian there’s something you should know.”

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