24. Saved by the doctor

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Here's another update. Yay! I love long weekends for this very reason. I've started writing the next chapter so fingers crossed I can update again soon. Happy reading.


By the time the hospital comes into view I’m almost hyperventilating. I really don’t know what to do. Is Jamie going to help me? Is he still at the café drinking double shot cappuccinos and relishing in my discomfort? If he is I will deem him my nemesis and haunt him forever.

Feeling the car come to a stop, I glance out the window and notice we’re directly out the front of the emergency entrance.

This is not good.

I reach for the door handle but suddenly it swings open and I whip my hand back in surprise. Perseus looks in at me and smiles encouragingly, holding out his hand. Clementine is rushing into the emergency room and I can only imagine how much of a fuss she’s making. Reluctantly, I take it and he assists me out of the car. Once I’m stable on my feet, his arm wraps around my shoulder and he walks me through the automatic doors.

Seriously, he’s are treating me like a total invalid. If I even try to move a little to the left, Perseus’ hand grips on my shoulder to stop me. How is it possible to have such extremes? Russell’s family don’t give a rats’ arse about anyone but themselves. Jamie’s family on the other hand will bend over backwards to help someone.

The moment we’re inside, the all too familiar hospital smell invades my nostrils. It reminds me of old, dying people. It freaks me out. I haven’t been in a hospital for ages and now I know why. I hate it.

“Oh there you are, Cindy,” Clementine’s voice shrills.

In a daze, I look to the right and see her waving erratically at me. Perseus mutters something about moving the car then disappears. I take a deep breath then wander over and join Clementine at the reception counter. A young receptionist is sitting behind the glass with a shocked expression on her face. I think Clementine does this to everyone who meets her for the first time.

“What’s your surname, Cindy?” Clementine asks.

Is this a trick question? I mean, this is a fake identity I don’t have a last…oh wait a minute. Of course I do, Jamie gave me the ID last night. Dammit what’s my last name? Suddenly I have a bright idea. Digging around in my bag, I find my false ID tucked away in the back pocket.

Taking a discreet look at the surname, I whip it out and as I hand it over I say, “It’s Green and here’s my ID.”

See? No one would need to know any different. When she asks who my doctor is I freak out again. I can’t give her my real doctor’s name. Thankfully Clementine interrupts and gives details of their personal doctor. Thank god.

Finally we’re told to sit down in the waiting room so we wander over and sit on the hard, grey chairs. As I glance around I notice the typical emergency room patients. Children are whimpering while clutching an arm or a leg, complaining about a pain that probably isn’t there. Old people taking short, ragged breaths. Teenagers are nursing their scraped knees and whining about how much blood there is even though it’s not much.

Me? Well I look like I’m here for a social visit. I’m almost tempted to clutch my stomach again and groan in pain but quickly decide against it. I don’t want Clementine to freak out again.

As the next few moments pass, I’m getting more and more agitated. I shouldn’t be here. I should have had a simple meet and greet of his parents, we would have agreed on a wedding date and I’d be home again. But no, Jamie had to throw a spanner in the works by telling them I was pregnant. What is it with babies lately?

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