33. Getting on with life

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Can you believe it? Two updates in a week! I return to work tomorrow after two weeks' holidays so I wanted to make sure I'd updated a few times. Fingers crossed I'll still be able to update regularly upon my return. It's another long chapter but I know you donl't really mind. ;) Enjoy!


They say if you stick at something long enough, you get better at it. That's the same with lying. I'm pretty much a pro at it now. Once upon a time I wouldn't consider that an achievement. Lying isn't a great trait. Right now though, while I sit in front of Clementine and Perseus it has become my life saviour.

"Are you sure you and Jamie are still together?" Clementine asks again. I've lost track how many times she's asked now.

"Of course we are," I say, reaching across and squeezing her hand. "Jamie is everything to me. You have to understand why I couldn't leave New Zealand straight away." I clear my throat and squeeze my eyes shut, eager to shed at least one more tear. The first tears I shed were easy. Now I've cried too much and it's proving harder and harder every time.

Come on tears, you can do it for me one more time.

"I couldn't leave the day after she died," I say in a shaky voice. My eyes are stinging from trying to force myself to cry. "I had to say goodbye to my sister."

I look up just as one lone tear slides down my cheek. This had better keep her happy because I can't cry anymore. This woman is a hard nut to crack. She was sympathetic to my plight but I could tell she didn't believe me. Now as I watch her face soften, I realise I've finally made a break through.

"I understand, dear," Clementine says, squeezing my hand and smiling softly. "Are you sure the baby is okay though? Stress is not good on expecting mothers."

That's another thing, she's been going on and on about the baby. The sooner 'Cindy' is dead, the better.

"I had a check-up just this afternoon," I lie. "The doctor says everything is perfectly fine."

Clementine's face crosses with relief. "Well that's good to know. How about the morning sickness? Jamie said you were struggling with it."

"It's getting better."

"Did you hear that?" Clementine asks her husband who has been sitting at the table not saying a word.

"Yes dear," he says. Smiling at me he says, "I'm glad you're feeling better, Cindy. You had Clem quite worried about you."

While Clementine and Perseus talk amongst themselves, I send a relieved smile to Jamie. He breathes a sigh of relief and smiles back. I'm just relieved we survived the dinner without any major mishaps. As long as I can find Carly's findings, everything should be fine.


It's a couple of hours later when they leave. When Jamie shuts the front door, he leans against it and slides to the floor. He sighs from relief and rests his head on it.

"I'm so glad they're gone," he says with a laugh.

I sit next to him. "You can say that again." As I look around at my surrounds something dawns on me. I feel really stupid for not noticing sooner. I can feel my brow furrow as I think about where I am.

"What's wrong?" Jamie asks.

"I thought you lived in the warehouse?"

Jamie looks at me like I'm insane then he bursts into laughter. "You only just noticed?" he asks, still chuckling to himself.

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