Trying Not To Love You (2)

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                "Bye Avery, I love you." Mom wishes once I get out of the car from her driver’s side. She sends me a loving smile, but I couldn’t tell if she was being authentic or fake.

                "Shut up, mom." I snap at her, slinging my bag over my shoulder in a swift motion and shutting the passenger door to her minivan. I begin to turn around to walk to the entrance of my high school, but my mom stops and calls me.

                My mom rolls down the window, leaning over to the passenger side so I could hear her voice. "Don't get into much trouble, and be home by nine."

                "No promises." I mutter through clenched teeth as I walk away from her. I hear the loud car engine drive off into the distance. My nose scrunches up at the gassy stench that was left behind.

                My high school was the typical high school you could ever imagine. Popular cheerleaders were twirling their stupid hair around their finger while hanging with their boyfriends; kissing, hugging, or any else of that love crap. I honestly didn’t give a shit about this love shit, it ended badly for me.

                The last boyfriend had a lot in common with me, but then again he got me pregnant. It was only seven months ago when I gave birth to my beautiful daughter, and six months ago when I gave her up for adoption. I still miss Quinn with all of my heart, wondering where she is and what she’s doing at this very moment.

                I remember that day perfectly clear, every single detail trailing in my mind. The way she wailed when I left her in that room, the nurses forcing Quinn to drink the milk out of the bottle. Luckily, she through a couple of punches to the nurses hands, refusing to drink out of it. Boy, do I miss Quinn, but I bet she has way better parents now. They haven’t sent me a call yet.

                "Hey, look at the goth chick." I hear a student whisper a little too loud for me to hear. My head snaps to the person who the whisper belonged to, seeing two boys staring at me. I give them my usual death glare which would always scare people away and scurry off to their classes.

                Like I predicted, one of the boys grabbed the other one's arm and pulled him towards the entrance of the school. I give them the middle finger, even through their backs were facing my direction, but everyone around me could see me hold up the fucking finger. They stared in shocked for a brief moment before turning back to their friends and chatting about the weekend.

                "Ah, how hopeless losers are scared of me." I chuckle, before stomping my way to the inside of school, pushing short people out of my way.

                My black leather boots squeak against the shiny white floor, muffled from all the chattering going on by the students. I narrow my eyes at a group of girls who stared at me, looking at me in disapproval.

                "Why don't you guys go to hell? It'll be much more peaceful than have you guys stare at people. It's such an insult." I tell the group of girls. They all just flipped their hair at the same time and smack their gum, holding their hundred dollar purse in their little, and breakable hands.

                I smile mischievously before heading off to the front office to get my class schedule. I walk slowly up to the counter, greeted by an old lady.

                Her gray hair was tied up into a tight bun that was pinned by a gigantic clip. She had those glasses that you wore around your neck and would bring to your eyes once you needed them. "Hello, young lady. Are you here to get your schedule?"

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