Trying Not To Love You (14)

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                After that little conflict at the arcade, Hayden and I were on our way to his house for the day. Hopefully Quinn would be awake so I could spend some mother-daughter time with her. She probably is, considering the fact that it was already one in the afternoon. If she isn't, then she is probably taking her nap.

                Hayden parks his truck in the small driveway of his house. I grudgingly push the door open, nearly hitting the car beside it. Oh well, they wouldn't know it was me if I hit that car, right? I would just say that Hayden parked the car a little too close to the other one.

                I hop up the wooden steps of his front porch, giddy filling through me. I just couldn't wait to see my baby girl! Being the slow, lazy man he was, Hayden stuffed his hands in his pockets as he climbed up the steps. He dug through the pocket of his jean, searching for the keys to the front door. He then pulled out a ring with all sorts of key hanging onto it, making my eyes nearly bulge out of their head. Come on, Hayden's only in high school! Why would he need that many keys?

                He filed through the keys, searching for one that would fit the lock. I sighed in frustration, growing impatient as every second was wasted looking for the keys.

                I sighed and snatched the key ring out of his hands. “Give me that freaking thing.” I say through clenched teeth, filing through each of the keys where Hayden left off.

                Hayden just smirked at me, a lazy smile forming on his face. He crossed his arms, watching me try each of the keys into the lock.

                Some of the keys were too big that I'd have to jam them into the lock with the palm of my hand to actually see if they worked. But they didn't, so I'd have to use both of my hands to yank it out of the tight lock. Every now and then I would glance at Hayden who had that smirk on his face, and then I would obnoxiously roll my eyes at his amused expression.

                I grumbled when I reached the last key, jamming it into the lock. It was a perfect fit. I twisted it hesitantly and let the door slide open with ease. It's always the last key that wastes my time, isn't it?

                I stomped into the house as Hayden retreated his keys from the lock. “That was funny.” he commented.

                “Shut it, Hayden. I don't want to hear any of your comments.” I grumbled under my breath.

                "Oh, come on," Hayden cooed, pulling me into a hug before I could stop him. I fidgeted against his grip, but unfortunately he wouldn't let me go and roam his house for Quinn. "You've got to admit, it was pretty humorous with your frustrated face as you tried to search for the keys."

                I rolled my eyes, and surprisingly, let him hug me for a moment. We stayed like this for a couple of moments, his chin resting on the top of my head.

                "Hayden, what the hell are you doing here?"

                Both of our heads snapped up towards the stairs, where a familiar looking girl rushed down the stairs. I was infuriated when I noticed that Quinn was tucked away in her arms, along with Jessica who was trailing behind her.

                "Avery!" Jessica shrieked, running towards me. She wrapped herself around my leg, nearly making me fall back into Hayden. He let out a grunt. "Where did your panda eyes go?"

                I shrugged, running my hand across the top of her head. My gaze travels back to the girl who set Quinn down onto the couch, where she instantly grabbed her favorite blanket. The girl then turns to me.

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