Trying Not To Love You (5)

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The bell rung, telling me that homeroom was over. Finally, I thought I wasn't going to survive through the class. Hayden kept turning around and smirking at me during the announcements. It was getting annoying, especially when Dani would whisper my name to ask me about his weird actions. I would choose not to reply to her, since it would be so complicated explaining this guy's attitude.

I mean, at least I refrained myself from punching him straight in the face. That's actually an accomplishment to me.

"Avery?" Hayden asks, waving a hand in front of my face. He stood by my desk with his bag slung over his shoulder.

I swat his hand away as if it were a fly and give him an irritated look. Grasping my school bag by its strap, I push my way past Hayden and saunter towards the door. I really didn't want to deal with him right now.

Unfortunately, Hayden had managed to catch up to me after I departed from the classroom. He fell into step with me as we strutted down the hallway.

"What?" I ask over the chatter of students.

"What class are you off to?"

I arch my eyebrow at him, pushing one of the stupid students that were standing in my path. I cross my arms over my chest and simply answer: "I'm not telling you."

"Okay fine, then I'll have to guess." he says, preparing to think of all the subjects they offer here. I roll my eyes at this. It wasn't that important. "Uh, is it an advance class?"

"No... because I'm a stupid idiot." I lied easily.

Hayden nods understandingly. "Alright then. Is it a science class?"

"Shut up."


"Shut it, Hayden."


"Shut the hell up with the twenty questions. I'm getting really annoyed with you right now. You're lucky I haven't punched you in the face or kicked you in the shin."

Hayden holds up his hands. "Okay, sorry." he apologizes. "Well this is my class."

I look up at the sign that was held above the door. "You have advanced chemistry?'

"Yep, means I'm good with the ladies." he says. This boy better control his confidence.

"You're really irritating right now."

"Sorry... again. It means I'm a smart person and have a harder class."

"You think I don't know that, dimwit?"

Hayden raised his eyebrows. "Well I got to go. You better rush towards your next class, the bells about to ring in like, two minutes."

I look at my watch, then at the nearest clock that was hanging in the hallway. "Shit."

I push Hayden out of my way and run towards the hallway where all of the empty class room were.

I'm actually in the hardest classes of all when it comes to math. I was actually surprised when I got the letter that said I was accepted into the gifted classes, the classes where you learn a grade level higher than your original one.

I have a teacher that teaches in the empty hallways because well, I don't like people seeing me be all book smart. Only about the other three students that are there know how smart I am, but luckily they're the quietest ones in the school and never get noticed.

I step foot into the room when the bell just rung, and the teacher wasn't there yet. Just the students.

I took a seat in the back, the one where all my notes and folders were placed neatly on my desk.

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