Trying Not To Love You (22)

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                My eyes fluttered open to a light tapping on my arm. I rubbed my eyes with my knuckles, before I took in my surroundings. I was in the familiar bed in the small bedroom, where Hayden would be—  

                Everything that had happened yesterday came back to me. Hayden wouldn't accept Quinn. Well, he wouldn't accept her as my daughter. My eyes nearly watered at this, but I held them back. I didn't want to start my day out by crying.

                The tapping returned again. Rolling on my back, I craned my neck to see my beautiful baby girl grinning at me. Smiling back at her, I held her under the armpits and placed her right on my stomach.

                “Morning, baby girl.” I greeted her, stroking the small hairs that were rapidly growing on her bald head. She bounced wildly and her arms flew everywhere.

                Quinn made many baby noises, while I repeatedly bounced her on my stomach. I pulled her close to me and lightly pressed my lips to her forehead. “I love you so much, Quinn.”

                We stayed like this for a minute, before Quinn disrupted it by flailing her arms in many directions again. What was up with her?

                “You're hungry, aren't you?”

                I scrambled out of bed, before picking up Quinn and balancing her on my hip. Exiting Hayden's bedroom, I slowly walked downstairs, only to see Hayden sauntering out of the kitchen with a tray full of food in his hands.

                He looked at me with a frown, then sighed in frustration. “You were supposed to be asleep upstairs!”

                I pursed my lips. “But why—”

                “Can you just go back to my room and pretend this didn't happen?” he asked, fairly politely in my opinion.

                I sighed and carried Quinn back up the stairs, pushing Hayden's door open again. I plopped ourselves onto the comfy bed, pulling the blanked right below Quinn's neck. Her head was right on my heart, and I had a feeling she would be falling asleep soon.

                The door to Hayden's room was kicked open. From my view under the blanket, I noticed him rounding the bed and settling down onto the edge that I was leaning towards. He leaned over and planted a kiss right on my temple, before shaking me awake and whispering, “Wake up, babe. I made breakfast.”

                I stretched and “awoken” from my sleep. Grinning at him, I pushed myself up to the bedframe and placed Quinn on my lap. Her small arms extended out to Hayden. After placing the tray on my lap, he glady accepted her invitation and embraced her into his arms.

                “So, what's with the whole breakfast in bed thing?” I asked, poking the scrambled eggs with my fork. I popped it in my mouth and sighed in delight. I didn't know Hayden could cook this well.

                “Well, first of all I wanted to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I didn't believe you when you stated that Quinn was your actual daughter and not believing that you were actually a teen mother. I was a complete,” he covered Quinns ears and whispered to me. “Asshole. Lastly, I am sorry for pointing out that we weren't even dating. I ruined the whole moment. Honestly, Avery, everything from when we started dating was real to me. I didn't keep in mind that it was this stupid facade. I was a horrible boyfriend and this is the very least I could do when I make it up to you.”

                The corners of my lips turned up at his words. Who knew that Hayden could be so sweet? Carefully setting the tray to the side, I grabbed Hayden by the collar of his shirt and forced his lips upon mine. He didn't seem to mine, though, considering the fact that his arm immediately snaked around my waist.

                It was becoming heated before Quinn had interrupted us by her sudden arm spasms yet again. We broke away breathlessly, before glancing at Quinn with an amused expression on our faces. She beamed up at us with her few teeth growing in. Hayden surprised me by planting a kiss on her forehead, and then hugging her close to her chest.

                He kissed my temple yet again, before whispering to me, “I accept you for you, even if you have a daughter or not.”

                Smiling gratefully, I snuggled into Hayden's chest beside Quinn.

                For once, my life was perfect.

* * * * * *

                Hayden and I walked hand in hand to school, like always. Everyone has gotten used to the fact that I was now showing my affection to Hayden, instead of being the cold-hearted girl I usually was.

                He walked me to my locker, like usual. He gazed at me while I pulled the necessary textbooks out of my locker. It wasn't uncomfortable like it sounded, but a bit more... intimate, I should say. I'm glad that I'm the only one he notices out of a busy hallway.

                “Oh, I almost forgot.” he cracked a smile at me. “I'm taking you out to dinner next week. Happy early one month anniversary.”

                The bell rung above us, just as he softly kissed my cheek. A month already? It seems like time has passed very quickly ever since Hayden and I had gotten together.

                And I was absolutely fine with it, as long as it'll last.


Bleh. Sucky chapter=sucky story. I'm trying my best, you guys, I really am. I want to give you something to read. I'm just at that point of a story where you just want to quit, you know? I hope you know what I mean.

I promise that all the stories after this will be written in advance, so you guys don’t have to wait that long. I already have a new plot in mind. J

It may not seem like a month, but I guess you could take into consideration how long it takes me to update. XD :P

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